The first example of using templates in the FCF framework has been published.

V O Markin
2 min readSep 22, 2021


After a long period of time, I still brought the template engine to a state of flexible work. I was personally satisfied with the result. There are, of course, ideas that need to be added to the functionality, but this will be over time.

In the meantime, the first example has been assembled demonstrating the work of the FCF framework templates.

Example page:

Detailed description of the example:

The example describes the basic things inherent in the framework, how to create a project, how to perform static translations and how templates work. After all, it is on them that the WEB application itself is based.

The example also demonstrates the beauty of the brevity of writing code. Almost all of the application code, not counting the time update cycle, is shown below:

Now ahead is the standardization of the API, its documentation and kernel output on a more flexible basis.

