Avoiding Failure: Common Mistakes CTOs Make When Joining Fintech Companies

Vasyl Soloshchuk
5 min readMar 6, 2023


The fintech industry is growing at an unprecedented rate, and as a result, the role of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) has become increasingly important. Fintech companies are constantly innovating, and the technology behind their products and services is crucial to their success. As such, the role of the CTO is more important than ever before.

However, joining a fintech company as a CTO can be a challenging task. The industry is highly competitive, and mistakes made by CTOs can have significant consequences for the company’s success. In this article, we will explore some of the most common mistakes that CTOs make when joining fintech companies and how to avoid them.

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Mistake #1: Not understanding the complexity of the industry

The fintech industry is highly regulated and complex. CTOs who come from other industries may underestimate the challenges of working in fintech and may not have the necessary experience and knowledge to navigate the regulatory landscape. It’s essential to understand the unique challenges and requirements of fintech, such as compliance, security, and data privacy, to ensure that your company is meeting all the necessary standards.

To avoid this mistake, CTOs should invest time in learning about the industry and its regulations. They should familiarize themselves with the relevant laws and regulations and stay up-to-date with changes and updates. It’s also crucial to work closely with the company’s legal team to ensure that the technology is compliant with all relevant regulations.

Mistake #2: Focusing too much on technology

While the role of a CTO is to oversee the technological aspects of a company, it’s essential not to lose sight of the bigger picture. Fintech is ultimately about solving problems for customers and providing innovative solutions to their financial needs. As a CTO, you need to be able to balance the needs of the business with the needs of the technology. Focusing solely on technology can lead to overlooking critical aspects of the business and ultimately hurt the company’s bottom line.

To avoid this mistake, CTOs should work closely with other departments, such as marketing, sales, and customer service, to ensure that the technology is meeting the needs of the business and the customers. It’s also crucial to stay informed about industry trends and developments to ensure that the technology is innovative and competitive.

Mistake #3: Not building a strong team

Building a strong team is critical in any industry, but it’s especially important in fintech. The industry is highly competitive, and having the right talent can make a significant difference in a company’s success. CTOs need to focus on hiring top talent and fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration to ensure that the team is working efficiently and effectively.

To avoid this mistake, CTOs should focus on building a diverse team with a mix of skills and experiences. They should also invest in training and development to ensure that the team is up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry trends. It’s also important to create a culture of innovation and collaboration, where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and working together to solve problems.

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Mistake #4: Ignoring scalability

Fintech companies are known for their rapid growth, and CTOs need to be prepared for this growth by building a scalable infrastructure. A scalable infrastructure is essential to handle increased traffic, data, and transactions. CTOs need to plan for growth from the outset and ensure that the technology is flexible enough to adapt to changing business needs.

To avoid this mistake, CTOs should work closely with the company’s leadership team to develop a growth strategy. They should also ensure that the technology is designed with scalability in mind and that it can handle increased traffic, data, and transactions. CTOs should invest in cloud-based solutions and other scalable technologies to ensure that the company can grow quickly and efficiently. It’s also important to monitor the technology regularly and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it remains scalable as the company grows.

Mistake #5: Neglecting security

In the fintech industry, security is paramount. Customers trust fintech companies with their financial information, and a security breach can have severe consequences for the company’s reputation and bottom line. CTOs need to prioritize security and ensure that the technology is designed with security in mind.

To avoid this mistake, CTOs should work closely with the company’s security team to ensure that the technology is secure and meets all relevant security standards. They should also invest in regular security audits and testing to identify and address any vulnerabilities. It’s also important to ensure that all employees are trained on security best practices and that the company has a robust incident response plan in place in case of a security breach.

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Mistake #6: Failing to communicate effectively

Communication is essential in any industry, but it’s particularly important in fintech. CTOs need to be able to communicate effectively with other departments, the leadership team, and external stakeholders. Failure to communicate effectively can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and mistakes.

To avoid this mistake, CTOs should prioritize communication and ensure that they are regularly communicating with other departments, the leadership team, and external stakeholders. They should also ensure that they are speaking in a language that everyone can understand, avoiding technical jargon and explaining complex concepts in simple terms. It’s also crucial to listen to feedback and be open to suggestions and criticisms.

In conclusion, CTOs play a crucial role in fintech companies, and mistakes can have significant consequences for the company’s success. By avoiding these common mistakes, CTOs can help ensure that their companies are successful and at the forefront of innovation in the rapidly growing fintech industry.



Vasyl Soloshchuk

Vasyl Soloshchuk is CEO at INSART (https://www.insart.com/), the company that helps FinTech companies design and implement financial software products.