The Biggest Bank Collapses of the Last 100 Years: Lessons Learned

Vasyl Soloshchuk
2 min readApr 25, 2023


Bank collapses can have significant ripple effects throughout the financial system, leading to economic downturns and impacting the lives of millions of people. Over the last 100 years, there have been numerous bank collapses that have had far-reaching consequences. In this article, we’ll explore some of the biggest bank collapses of the last 100 years and the lessons that can be learned from these events.

  1. Lehman Brothers: Lehman Brothers was a global financial services firm that collapsed in September 2008, triggering the global financial crisis. The collapse of Lehman Brothers was due to a variety of factors, including excessive risk-taking, a high degree of leverage, and exposure to toxic mortgage-backed securities. The collapse of Lehman Brothers highlighted the dangers of unchecked risk-taking and the importance of effective regulation in the financial industry.
  2. Washington Mutual: Washington Mutual was a US savings and loan association that collapsed in September 2008, following significant losses in its mortgage business. The collapse of Washington Mutual was the largest bank failure in US history, and highlighted the dangers of excessive exposure to the housing market. The collapse of Washington Mutual also demonstrated the importance of adequate capitalization and risk management in the banking industry.
  3. Barings Bank: Barings Bank was a British merchant bank that collapsed in 1995, following significant losses due to unauthorized trading by one of its employees. The collapse of Barings Bank highlighted the importance of internal controls and risk management in the banking industry. The collapse also demonstrated the need for effective oversight and regulation of the financial industry.
  4. Banco Ambrosiano: Banco Ambrosiano was an Italian bank that collapsed in 1982, following the discovery of fraudulent loans and the involvement of the bank in illegal activities. The collapse of Banco Ambrosiano highlighted the importance of transparency and integrity in the banking industry. The collapse also demonstrated the need for effective oversight and regulation of the financial industry.
  5. Northern Rock: Northern Rock was a British bank that collapsed in 2007, following significant losses due to its exposure to the subprime mortgage market. The collapse of Northern Rock highlighted the dangers of excessive reliance on short-term funding and the importance of liquidity management in the banking industry.


The biggest bank collapses of the last 100 years have had far-reaching consequences, highlighting the dangers of unchecked risk-taking, inadequate capitalization, and poor risk management in the banking industry. These collapses have also demonstrated the importance of effective oversight and regulation of the financial industry, as well as the need for transparency and integrity in banking practices. By studying these events, financial professionals and policymakers can learn important lessons about risk management, regulation, and the importance of ethical practices in the financial industry.



Vasyl Soloshchuk

Vasyl Soloshchuk is CEO at INSART (, the company that helps FinTech companies design and implement financial software products.