Anybody Can Design: Unveiling My Figma Journey

Shivani Srivastava
4 min readMar 13, 2023


As someone who never thought they could become a designer, let alone UX designer, discovering Figma was a game-changer for me, the best decision I ever made.

Figma changed everything for me, turning my creative dreams into reality. My journey started with a simple realization — I was a creative soul trapped in a 9–5 job with a meager salary. The hurdle was learning graphic design, which felt daunting and unattainable. I had deep respect for graphic designers and their incredible art, but I couldn’t seem to make it work. My outdated laptop added to my frustrations as it couldn’t even run cracked design software.

Then came Figma. It was like a breath of fresh air. First of all, it was browser-based — a game-changer. I played around with it and shared my early attempts with a friend in the industry. He laughed at my novice work but encouraged me to delve deeper and even entrusted me with one of his projects to help me hone my skills.

Six months passed, and I still hadn’t touched the project he gave me; self-doubt was my constant companion. But one day, I landed upon a YouTube tutorial, decided to give Figma another shot, and recreated a Spotify replica, naming it ‘Rhythm.’ To my astonishment, my friend loved it and urged me to explore further, handing me a new project.

The first design I created was far from perfect.

1st Attempt

Yet, I persisted, taking in his feedback, and I could see progress.

4th Attempt

I persevered, landing my first job in just a year.

1000234th attempt

Today, I’m earning five times what I did when I started this journey. I’m part of an incredible team with talented designers, working on exciting projects and crafting design systems from scratch. I relish the entire creative process.

I’ve also had the privilege of leading other designers, learning from them, and guiding them. If you’re reading this and want to learn, don’t hesitate to connect with me. I’m more than happy to help.

One thing I want to emphasize on, if you have any interest in design and want to make something out of it, give Figma a try. I started with zero UX design experience, but Figma’s user-friendly interface made it easy to grasp the basics. And there’s no stopping now.

It’s not just a marvelous tool; it’s a free one.

Figma has redefined the design process, making it accessible to everyone. Its collaborative features have been a real blessing, allowing me to share designs with team members and receive instant feedback, no matter where they are in the world.

The cloud-based system has been a game-changer too, enabling me to access my designs from anywhere, on any device, as long as I have an internet connection. This has been invaluable, especially when working with clients in different time zones and locations. It’s also a fantastic resource for aspiring designers looking to embark on their creative journey with less powerful laptops.

If you’re aspiring to be an amazing UX designer and are new to Figma, here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Begin with the basics: Figma offers a wealth of features, so start with the fundamentals and gradually work your way up. Begin with simple designs and progress to more complex projects. You can find great resources, like YouTube tutorials, to help you on your journey.

I have a genuine fondness for this individual’s work. While I didn’t initially begin with his videos, I now strongly recommend them to aspiring junior designers.

You can find his valuable content at:

2. Utilize templates and resources: Figma provides a treasure trove of online resources, including templates, UI kits, and design assets. These can kickstart your journey and save you time in the long run.

3. Join the community: Figma has a supportive and knowledgeable community of designers who are always willing to share their wisdom and provide feedback. Engage with forums, groups, and communities to learn from other designers and improve your work.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of reading. Reading blogs and articles about design is crucial. It’s not just about creating beautiful UI; it’s also about providing a great user experience. Some resources that have helped me include:

Google’s UX Design course —

Free Ebook —

Book — ‘The Design of Everyday Things’ (You might even find a free version on the internet)

In conclusion, Figma has transformed my world and the world of design. It has simplified the design process, made it accessible to all, and fostered collaboration. With Figma, anyone can become a designer, regardless of their prior experience or background. I’m thankful for the profound impact Figma has had on my personal journey, and I can’t wait to see how it continues to shape the world of design in the years to come.”



Shivani Srivastava

Designer by profession, a passionate painter, and an occasional storyteller.