Computer Vision for Busy Developers

Vinny DaSilva
3 min readMay 28, 2019



Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

While working in the Augmented Reality space, I became fascinated by the field of Computer Vision. My colleagues were building the equivalent of magic through computer vision! At the same time, I was also very intimidated! Computer Vision is a field of study traditionally reserved for researchers or engineers with (or working towards) advanced degrees. After chatting with former colleagues, I was encouraged to dive deeper and learn more. As I researched, I’ve become a lot more comfortable with the topic. I feel that uncovering some of the mystery behind the “magic” has given me insights which have helped me in various projects that depend on computer vision.

From chatting with other developers, it dawned on me that lots of folks could benefit from knowing a bit more about how computer vision works. And that’s when I decided to kick off this little project — an article series on high-level CV concepts. This project has two major goals. First, this series is my way of sharing my fascination and appreciation of computer vision. Secondly, it’s my hope to share insights with the developer community so that computer vision dependent projects may run a little bit smoother. I feel that developers should feel empowered rather than intimidated by Computer Vision.

In my research, I have found that the progression of computer vision can take many paths. This series looks at a path which I have found helpful for my own understanding of computer vision. I’ll begin with some basics of Image Processing and then move onto more traditional computer vision topics and end on some thoughts on Machine Learning. As the title of this series is “Computer Vision for Busy Developers”, each article is further broken down into various sections. If there is a portion of the article that you are already familiar with, feel free to skip it and go to the sections you are curious about. I also wrap up each article with a TLDR section to summarize the info for those that are even tighter on time.

You can get started by checking out the Table of Contents at the very top of this article!

As with all projects this size, there are way too many people to thank — from awesome people that supported the project to brilliant people that inspired me. There were a handful of amazing people that reviewed these articles and provided feedback. In no particular order, they are Og Maciel, Mike Brown, Stella Cannefax , David Beard, Maggie Ellis and Daniel Bahamon. I’d also like to thank the Vuforia Computer Vision Engineering teams in San Diego, Vienna and Cambridge for their mentorship. Thank you all so much!

If you are interested in reviewing upcoming articles, provide feedback or chat, feel free to ping me on Twitter or LinkedIn!



Vinny DaSilva

Developer Relations Engineer at Google. Passionate about AR & VR. Previously at Lenovo ThinkReality, Samsung NEXT, Vuforia