Unraveling Attachment: Navigating Detachment in Friendships and Relationships

Khushi Vadadoriya
2 min readFeb 19, 2024


I once saw this quote that goes "Being okay if it happens and okay if it doesn’t is a very powerful place to be." At first glance, it might seem like just another catchy phrase, but the more I pondered on it, the more profound its meaning became. It’s about detachment, isn’t it? The ability to let go of our attachment to outcomes, whether they’re in friendships, relationships, or any aspect of life.

Being okay if it happens and okay if it doesn't is a very powerful place to be.

Detachment doesn't mean indifference or apathy. Instead, it's a state of being where we release our grip on expectations and embrace the present moment fully. It's about finding peace within ourselves, regardless of external circumstances. In friendships and relationships, this kind of detachment can be liberating. It allows us to love and care for others deeply while also respecting their autonomy and journey.

When we're too attached to specific outcomes in our friendships or relationships, we set ourselves up for disappointment and frustration. We may become possessive, demanding, or clingy, suffocating the very connection we're trying to nurture. But when we practice detachment, we open ourselves up to a more authentic and fulfilling experience.

Always remember “once you give up expectations, you have learned to live”

Imagine being able to cherish every moment with a friend or partner without the fear of losing them or the pressure to mold the relationship into something it's not. That's the power of detachment. It frees us from the chains of insecurity and neediness, allowing us to appreciate the beauty of each interaction for what it is.

But detachment isn't always easy. It requires self-awareness, mindfulness, and a willingness to surrender control. It means letting go of our ego and trusting in the natural flow of life. It's a journey of growth and self-discovery, but the rewards are immeasurable.

In the end, detachment is not about abandoning our connections with others but rather deepening them through acceptance and unconditional love. It's about finding peace within ourselves so that we can truly be present for those we care about. So let's embrace the power of detachment in our friendships and relationships, knowing that in doing so, we're opening ourselves up to a world of possibility and connection.



Khushi Vadadoriya

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