Want to Win in the Game of Entrepreneurship? Change the Rules.

Nobody is going to get rich by putting another brilliant idea on the internet.

Vadim Lidich
4 min readOct 7, 2019
Chris Diamantopoulos starring Russ Hanneman in HBO’s Silicon Valley

Remember this guy? The guy on the right… 👉

This is Russ Hanneman from the HBO’s acclaimed Silicon Valley show.

According to the story, he made nearly a billion dollars “putting Radio on the internet”. The guy became so rich that he doesn’t have to work another day in his life, spending most of his days driving around in orange McLaren and being an asshole to people. (isn’t that the exit strategy we all hope for? 😏)

It’s a parody on Mark Cuban who became filthy rich by putting the broadcast video service on the web back in 1998 and selling it to Yahoo for $5.7 Billion dollars.

Instead of creating another TV channel, Broadcast.com launched an entirely new industry.

This idea to move content from cable to the internet seems obvious, almost inevitable. But in 1998 there was no YouTube. Netflix was still in its infancy. There was no market for live-streaming, and no company with both digital content rights and large enough audience to make use of this technology. Until Yahoo came knocking.



Vadim Lidich

Serial Entrepreneur, Product Architect, Advisor & Investor. Democratizing Access to Justice at coSquare.co Treating Medium like Twitter with no character limit.