Vadim An
4 min readMay 29, 2017


In connection with some requests from our community to clarify, how is Crypviser different from Encryptotel project and what makes Crypviser better, I would like to notice that Crypviser team oficially refrains from the comments about that, because of there are nothing to compare. The both projects are based on the different ideas and technologies.

However, as a CTO of Crypviser and certified IT security expert, I would like to share my personal opinion of these requests.

Comparison of Crypviser with the other “secure” platforms are equal to the comparison of the 2 planets Earth and Mars. There is only one match, both are the planets, but one of them fit for the life, the another one do not.

From the technical point of view, the cryptography model of Encryptotel, currently based on the SSL / TLS / SRTP protocols, according to their Whitepaper and the notice on the official website, is a parody of Crypviser.


Service is currently in beta. (Secure Communication with TLS & Secure RTP (SRTP).) Due to this, we strongly recommend you to use service only for the purposes of PBX functional testing. “

I would like to say, thank you guys for this IMPORTANT notice, but you are late about 10 years with this encryption!

For unsophisticated audience, I would like to clarify, that TLS & SRTP encryption provide protection in PEER — to PEER mode. It means that the data encryption process performs on the server side before transmitting between parties. In this case server owns the encryption keys and has access to the all kind of unprotected raw data!

So, there is reasonable question appears. What kind of MiTM protection we can talk about, if the service provider act itself as a MiTM party and perform all encryption procedures? Are you serious guys?

In other words, everyone who has access to the server can easily intercept and read all unencrypted data passing through the server.

Resume: The current security model of Encryptotel “do not hold water” and not suitable for cloud — based services.

Now let’s try to compare the services provided by Crypviser and Encryptotel.

According the info on their website, Encryptotel provide cloud-based PBX services on blockchain. Sounds great, but wait! If you google “hosted PBX services” you will find a lot similar offers existed on the market for the last 15 years.

The differences according functionality of Encryptotel and another platform is only using the “magic” word BLOCKCHAIN. But let’s try to understand how is BLOCKCHAIN is related to their solution and what kind of issue it solves?

Honestly, I do not have any options to answer, other than it just a way to arrange crowfunding for rise some money.

Btw, I would be surprised to hear that somebody have launched ICO to develop a hosted — PBX solution, if I didn’t aware about of Encryptotel team.

Well, to make it clear let me share some historical facts. Some key members of Encryptotel first met Crypviser team at Blockchain Conference in November 2016 and Bitcoin Birthday Party in January 2017 supported and sponsored by Crypviser in Moscow, Russia. On these events Crypviser Network and core technologies were introduced publicly. On Bitcoin BD Party in January I personally shared some technical details and Crypviser ideology to Encryptotel and Waves team members.

Based on these facts I can purpose, that they launched ICO just 1 month before Crypviser, because they clearly understood that after Crypviser ICO there are very little chance to success.

So, nice try! In fairness, I would like to note, despite the attempt of “plagiarism”, they at least honestly confessed about the used cryptographic model and promise to develop their own security protocol in 2018.

Resume: There is no way to compare the ready to use CSMP protocol with the genuine Blockchain- based authentication model of decentralized public — key distirbution with the “promises”.

Finally, regardless all these issues, since Encryptotel has been launched, I can only advise the Encryptotel team to do not try to “develop again a bicycle”, but just contact Crypviser team to benefit the White Label solution of Crypviser Core. In theory, there are all chances to integrate the most secure solution to Encryptotel services and make it really Blockchain related and secure.

You can more about Crypviser & CVCoin by using the following official links:

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Crypviser White Paper (EN) (DE)

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International Yotube channel

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