Vadim An
5 min readJul 12, 2017


Dear Crypviser members,

Athough the CVCoin ICO successfully finished 10 days ago, I would like to officially share the closing results.

  • Around 4.5 mln. tokens were sold.
  • 5.5 mln. CVCOin were distributed among all investors and bounty campaign participants after the ICO ended.
  • 7000 registered ICO participants and more than 3000 real investors.

Currently we have more than 8000 members in our multi-lingual communities.

After the completion of the ICO we are facing many questions and inquiries about the current state and further steps. Because of this, later I would like to shed light on what’s going on now and what are the next steps?

Birth of CVCoin

Congratulations! CVCoin token was created 06/07/2017 on Bitshares platform.

The distribution process to investor wallets started on 08/07/2017 and will be on until 14/07/2017.

Why Bitshares?

Crypviser chose the Bitshares platform powered by OpenLedger based on its key features, which match Crypvisers technical requirements and ideology.

The Bitshares platform is one of the most powerful, secure and scalable blockchain networks available today.
CVCoin became member of the Bitshares Club to benefit all advantages and use them within the Crypviser Network.

Although for some members it may look out-of-the-box and different from other platforms, but together with our strategic partner OpenLedger (developer of the Bitshares platform) we will do the best to disclose the full power of Bitshares and help to make a right choice for our whole community, regardless of the experience level, to whom security and performance matters.

Early trades (PRE-MARKET deals) on Bitshares DEX

One of the amazing features of the Bitshares platform is that it allows the issued token to become “tradable” on native DEX markets immediately.
Currently there are some markets available for CVCOIN exchange to/from BTS (Bitshares), BTC (Bitcoin), USD and others.

They are all available under MARKETS on OpenLedger DEX, you just need to specify CVCOIN in the search field to get the full opened market list.

However, the trading hasn’t been officially announced and supported by Crypviser yet!

According to the CVCOIN development plan, official trading sessions will be announced next week on OpenLedger DEX markets and later on further external exchanges. After starting official trades, Crypviser will process initial packages of CVCOIN market support and publications regarding the products development, token circulation, listing on all of the biggest exchanges, increasing trade volume and more.

So, the community can no more expect cheap CVCOIN after the official opening of trades and going on external exchanges.

The current “pre-market” price of CVCOIN — is an amazing chance to increase the portfolio of CVCOIN tokens.

CAUTION: This is NOT investment advice! This is a subjective and personal opinion of the main shareholders and CVCoin holders. Every investor and trader should decide based on his/her experience, knowledge, potential risk & earning expectation. The Crypviser team members are not responsible for any potential losses, caused by following this strategy.

What is OpenLedger (Bitshares) DEX?

OpenLedger or Bitshares DEX — is a fully decentralized exchange marketplace for cryptocurrency trade.
It has many essential advantages over centralized exchanges. I won’t address detailed technical characteristics in this letter, but just would like focus on of the main advantage — decentralized tokens listing, which means that there is no any central point of listing management.
The Crypviser team believes that the future of exchanges and trade platforms in decentralized blockhchain world belongs the decentralized exchanges.

On the other hand, the decentralized model of OpenLedger DEX may confuse newbie investors and traders at the first look.
But I suggest to everybody to spend to some time and learn more about DEX platform. It is worth it to benefit in further trading.

In this way, together with our wordwide communities in cooperation with the inventor of OpenLedger Ecosystems it is possible to achieve higher targets and bring OpenLedger DEX on the line of the biggest and liquid marketplaces.

More information about OpenLedger Ecosystems you can learn here

Future Exchanges Listing

According to our announced plan CVCoin will be listed on the big external exchanges. We are going to start with biggest of them Bittrex, Poloniex and Kraken, then go through the world liquid and popular markets, such as LiveCoin, C-CEX, Liquid etc.

We are working on it and doing our best to follow the below plan, but it’s important to NOTE, that the exact time-frame of listing at centralized exchanges doesn’t depend on us. We hope and apply to the management of the preferred exchanges to assist us to get listed ASAP!

— during July C-CEX, LiveCoin
— July — August 2017 on Bittrex 2017
— July — August 2017 on Poloniex
— July — September 2017 on Kraken
— till end of July 2017 — COINMARKETCAP.COM

Further listings are coming soon. We will keep our communities updated.

For now, we have already got confirmation from -CEX and looking forward to get on the list of in 1–2 weeks.

What is next? The future of Crypviser & CVCoin development

Crypviser team follows the “step-by-step” strategy for every stage of development and maintenance.
In the complex world of cryptography & encryption, it’s the receipt to achieve to our main goal — simplify and bring the most advanced, secure and reliable blockchain & cryptography based products to the mass markets.

Based on this strategy I would like to share some main steps of our development plan until the end of July 2017

  • starting official trading on Bitshares DEX platform — 20 July 2017
  • processing initial trading packages — powered by Crypviser (including FAQ how to use and trade on OpenLedger DEX, special trading guide for beginners, initial buywall to support the market rate and etc.)
  • development of Crypviser’s own wallet
  • launching the official website of the Crypviser project —
  • launching CrypNews media channel — Blockchain & Cryptography world news (in English and Russian)
  • introducing the ALFA version of Crypviser App for social communication
    to CVCoin ICO early bird participants

and of course there are a lot of other activities we will announce by following the step-by-step strategy.

So, keep following our news and updates through the official channels

ICO Web: (available on differenet language)

Facebook CVCoin:

Facebook Crypviser:

Twitter Crypviser:

Twitter CVCoin:


Crypviser blog:

Youtube International Channels — (search phrase: Crypviser or CVCoin)

and subscribe to follow my blog

Thank you for your attention!

Yours sincerely.

Vadim Andryan