Protecting Oneself from Medical Radiation

Kemper Medical
2 min readOct 30, 2017


Medical radiation is commonly used for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes, yet individuals often don’t stop to think of the dangers associated with radiation. Those at most risk may actually be those who work in this industry providing treatment for patients in need. Kemper Medical wishes to change this and has been sharing information on the dangers of medical radiation for those in this profession. They may be at more risk of cataracts and opacification of the lens of the eye, and the proper eye wear can help to protect these individuals.

Why Is Radiation Exposure of Concern?

Occupational radiation exposure needs to be of concern to all. In fact, the International Commission on Radiological Protection has identified three areas where improvements can be made-justification, optimization and dose limitation. The reason the commission has taken an interest in professionals in the medical radiation field is research has shown there is a correlation between induced cataracts and exposure to low-dose radiation. With the proper protection, however, these risks can be minimized. The problem lies in determining what is and isn’t acceptable. Why is this the case?

What Research Has Shown

Research has shown this correlation between induced cataracts and exposure to low-dose radiation. However, the problem researchers have now encountered is some experts believe a very low dose of radiation can bring on these complications. They feel the International Commission on Radiological Protection hasn’t provided accurate values in regard to the level of radiation that is deemed acceptable without proper protection. Until some agreement has been reached in the scientific community, individuals need to err on the side of caution and wear protection at all times.

Why Is This Research Disputed

The problem lies in determining the average day for a professional in medical radiology. No two days are alike, thus determining the level of radiation an individual may be exposed to is difficult. Furthermore, radiation times and level of exposure differ based on the skill level of the professional providing the treatment. Due to these variations, determining the level of risk is difficult, if not impossible.

Kemper Medical provides a wide range of items designed to protect individuals in the medical radiation field. Check out the eye wear available today and other items that will be of benefit to professionals working in the field. One can never be too careful, especially when working in the medical field.

