Brasília, capital city of Brazil

Time for Brazil
3 min readJan 12, 2017


Many people around the world are not aware that the capital of Brazil is not Rio de Janeiro — do not worry if you didn’t know that, it took me several years to find out which was the capital of Australia.

In fact, the beautiful city of Rio was the capital for quite some time, but in 1960, the capital was transferred to this beautiful new city right in the heart of Brazil.

Brasília is known worldwide for its stunning architecture. Filled with white buildings with no edges, the city seems like a somewhat futuristic town taken straight from a sci-fi classic movie from the 60s — it is modern, sophisticated and even dreamy-like.

Plano Piloto and surroundings

Oscar Niemyer, one of the most famous architects of the 20th century, designed many buildings in Brasilia. Since these buildings are mostly clustered in the area known as Plano Piloto, that space is frequently referred to as an open air museum.

Once you arrive in Plano Piloto — and the best way to do that is taking a bus, or the subway, and getting off at Rodoviária Station — you will begin to see a few of the many famous buildings in that area.

The first building you will see will be Museu Nacional (the National Museum) — it resembles a flying saucer, so it is very hard to miss. Right behind it you will find Catedral — one of the most unique churches in the whole world. If you keep on walking you will see two white towers that represent the Senate and the House of Representatives, and behind them, a beautiful square called Praça dos Três Poderes.

Photo by Eric Gaba

Not far from Rodoviária Station you will find Teatro Nacional (the National Theater) — a very aesthetically interesting building where you can go to see all kinds of artistic presentations. Oh, and don’t forget to ask one of the locals to tell you about the alleged supernatural events that take place in the theatre.

Another very nice place to visit is the Torre de TV (the TV Tower) — there you will find a very nice restaurant and an amazing panoramic view of the city. There is also a fair where you can buy art crafts made by people from all around the country. It is definitely a must-go.


Now that you have known Plano Piloto, it is time to move on to one of the most beautiful spots in Brasilia: Pontão do Lago Sul. Brasilia was built around this beautiful lake called Lago Paranoá, and Pontão offers one of the most impressive views to the lake. There you can eat in one of the many restaurants that serve the best of the Brazilian cuisine or you can take your family or partner to watch the sunset.

Because of Brasília’s unique geography, the sky over there is particularly beautiful. It just seem much more open and clear than in most parts of the world. So, if you’re in town, don’t miss the opportunity to see the magnificent sunset. After that, you can enjoy a few drinks in one of innumerous bars and pubs located in Asa Sul and Asa Norte (two of the most important city’s neighborhoods).

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Check out my blog for more articles on travel destinations in Brazil:



Time for Brazil

Time for Brazil (by Vagner Luiz) is a must-read digital travel guide for anyone planning an unforgettable trip to this wonderful country: