City of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

Time for Brazil
3 min readJan 14, 2017


Porto Alegre is located in Rio Grande do Sul, in Southern Brazil. The state is strongly influenced by Portuguese, German and Italian traditions because of the immigrants that settled in the area in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Centro Histórico (Downtown)

Downtown you will find beautiful old houses and small buildings that were recently restored and turned into restaurants, bookstores, museums and bars. The streets and plazas are filled with beautiful tall trees that make the scenario very beautiful and cozy.

There is a famous spot Downton called Casa de Cultura Mário Quintana. The gorgeous building used to be a hotel where one of the most famous Brazilian poets lived for many years (the building is named after him). Inside you will find art exhibitions, a museum dedicated to the great Brazilian singer Elis Regina, two libraries, a coffee shop with a beautiful view to the city’s river, and a perfect replica of Mario Quintana’s room.

Not far from Casa de Cultura, you will find a very beautiful church from the 18th century — it is surrounded by many interesting myths that can be told to you by a guide or a local.

Mercado Público is simply a most-go. The market is more than 300 years old and it holds an immense fair where you will find all types of Brazilian food, spices, fresh food, traditional candy and many stores filled with beautiful figures of African/Brazilian entities. To visit the market is like getting a quick tour all over Brazil. If I could give any advices, they would be: taste the exotic foods, appreciate the almost mystical environment and do not forget to buy at least one bottle of the various options of Cachaça that you will find over there.

Redenção Park

You cannot miss the city’s most famous park. There you will find a beautiful lake, some historical monuments and a small amusement park that will entertain both adults and kids. On Sundays, the park gets crowded because of an itinerant fair where you can buy antiques, art crafts, jewels, toys and all kinds of handmade objects. That may also be a great opportunity to taste the famous local beverage: chimarrão — a hot energetic drink made of an herb.

Cidade Baixa

If you like to drink and party, you simply cannot miss the chance to visit Cidade Baixa — the city’s bohemian neighborhood. There you will find all kinds of traditional Brazilian bars, restaurants, clubs, pubs, concert houses and much more. Cidade Baixa never sleeps, and you will definitely find a nice place to party and have fun any day of the week.


If you are a sports fan — and of course that, when it comes to Brazil, what I really mean is a football/soccer fan — you could go to one of the amazing stadiums where the two great teams from Porto Alegre (Internacional and Grêmio) usually play. The games are on Wednesdays and Sundays and I can assure you that it is a unique experience to watch a football game in a Brazilian stadium.

Guaiba River

Finally yet importantly, you should have a picnic or a beer — or both — while watching the sunset by the beautiful Guaiba River. If you walk a little bit, you can also visit one of the most interesting and traditional museums of Porto Alegre: Usina do Gasômetro.

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Time for Brazil

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