São Paulo, Brazil’s largest city

Time for Brazil
3 min readJan 19, 2017


São Paulo is, in many ways, one of the greatest Brazilian cities. There are people from all over the Brazil — and from all over the world — that make visiting São Paulo a unique cosmopolitan experience. The mixture of cultures, races, sexualities, religions only add up to this beautiful scenario of diversity and excitement that you can find in only a few cities around the world.

There are much more to do than what we listed below, but walking around the city you will find many great spots by yourself. You can go almost anywhere using the subway sol et your inner adventurer out and explore the great city of São Paulo.

Museu de Arte Moderna (MAM) and Pinacoteca

MAM is one of the most important cultural institutions in Brazil and it was openly inspired by the Museum of Modern Art of New York. Its archive is composed of 5 thousand paintings, mostly from Brazilian artists. There is also a vast open space outside the museum where sculptures are exhibited. If you like art and want to see some of Brazil’s finest pieces of art, you should definitely pay a visit to MAM.

Pinacoteca is another great museum with beautiful architecture and hundreds of works from Brazilian modernist painters, and from the French sculptor, Auguste Rodin. It also hosts temporary exhibits from time to time

Instituto Butantan

If you visit Instituto Butantan you will find a cluster of great museums about science, biology and the wild life. It is also a very important research institute. Do not miss the opportunity to go.

Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo

It is the most important church of São Paulo and it is absolutely stunning. It is the 4th largest neo gothic cathedral in the world despite of its renascent features. This mixture of architectural influences makes it one of the most unique churches in the world.

Memorial da América Latina

A wonderful place to visit if you are into history. This musem is dedicated to educating the public about the history of Latin America — a beautiful, but frequently violent, history. If you don’t have the time to visit countries other than Brazil, this may be a good opportunity for you to learn a bit more about the American continent.

Theatro Municipal de São Paulo

One of the most traditional and stunning buildings in São Paulo. Seriously — do not leave São Paulo before visiting it. If you have the opportunity, you should try to watch a play or a concert for the interior of the building is as magnificent as the exterior.


Liberdade is a Japanese neighborhood that hosts a great and traditional fair every Sunday. There you will find all kinds of Japanese treats, foods, art, toys, and so much more. If you go to Liberdade, don’t forget to look for the beautiful Sakura (cherry tree) — trust me, the tree alone would worth the visit. It is like a piece of the Orient right in the center of Brazil.

Augusta street

And, of course, there is Always na attraction for the bohemian travelers. Augusta is a large street filled with all kinds of bars and night clubs where you will find all kinds of people ready to party and have a drink.



Time for Brazil

Time for Brazil (by Vagner Luiz) is a must-read digital travel guide for anyone planning an unforgettable trip to this wonderful country: www.timeforbrazil.com