May Day, Labor, and Exploitive Capitalism in the USA

CD Damitio
3 min readMay 1, 2023

Written by ChatGPT with a detailed prompt from CD- to read a similar post written by CD in the pre-ChatGPT era read Happy May Day on . In the religion of Baldism, May Day is an important holiday. Workers of the World Unite!

Exploitative capitalism refers to a form of economic system where the means of production are owned and controlled by a small group of individuals or corporations, who prioritize profit over the well-being of workers and the broader community. In such a system, workers are often exploited, paid low wages, and forced to work long hours without adequate compensation or benefits.

May Day, also known as International Workers’ Day, is a holiday that commemorates the Haymarket Affair, a labor protest that took place in Chicago on May 1st, 1886. The protest was organized by labor unions to demand better working conditions, including an eight-hour workday. However, the protest turned violent when a bomb was thrown at police officers, killing several people.

The Haymarket Affair had a significant impact on the labor movement, as it led to the formation of the International Workers’ Association (IWA), which advocated for the rights of workers worldwide. The IWA declared May 1st as International Workers’ Day to commemorate the event and to raise awareness about the struggles faced…



CD Damitio

CD Damtio is a lifelong storyteller and the author of books that explore travel, religion, politics, and the absurd. He enjoys family, travel, and writing.