Classical And Quantum Logic,Gates,Transistors and Computing…

Vaibhav Shingde
15 min readFeb 12, 2023


Hello Guys , we are here to talk about what’s exactly Classical and Quantum In terms of Logic , Gates , Tranistors and Computing and Most Importantly what is the future of both classical and Quantum Approaches in Upcoming Generation For Speeds that we are Expecting From Both Approches. So We start from Basics What’s exactly Classical and Quantum Terms.

Classical And Quantum Logic :

Logic is the foundation of modern computing and plays a crucial role in the design and operation of both classical and quantum computers. However, there are two different types of logic — classical logic and quantum logic — and it’s important to understand the differences between them.

Classical Logic :

Classical logic is a branch of mathematical logic that studies the principles and rules of inference. It is also known as Aristotelian logic, bivalent logic, or two-valued logic. The name “classical” refers to the fact that it is the most widely studied and widely used form of logic, and is considered the standard form of logic in many academic circles.

In classical logic, every statement is either true or false, and there are no other options. This is known as the law of the excluded middle, which states that for every statement, either that statement is true or its negation is true. For example, the statement “It is raining” is either true or false; there is no third possibility.

Classical logic is based on a set of rules of inference that are used to deduce new statements from existing ones. These rules include modus ponens (If A is true and if A implies B, then B is true), modus tollens (If A implies B and B is false, then A is false), and disjunctive syllogism (If A or B is true and A is false, then B is true). These rules are used to build arguments and reach conclusions based on premises.

In addition to rules of inference, classical logic also has a set of formal systems for representing statements and arguments. The most well-known of these systems is propositional logic, which uses symbols and logical connectives (such as “and,” “or,” “not,” “if-then,” etc.) to represent statements and their relationships. Predicate logic is another formal system used in classical logic that extends propositional logic to handle more complex statements involving predicates and variables.

Classical logic has been widely used in philosophy, mathematics, computer science, and other fields. It is the basis for much of modern formal reasoning and has been a subject of study for centuries. Despite its widespread use, there are some criticisms of classical logic, such as its lack of expressiveness in dealing with certain types of statements, and its inability to handle vague or uncertain statements. These criticisms have led to the development of alternative forms of logic, such as fuzzy logic and intuitionistic logic.

Quantum Logic :

Quantum logic is a mathematical framework used to describe the behavior of quantum systems, while classical logic is the traditional framework used to describe the behavior of classical systems. While classical logic is based on the concept of truth values, where statements are either true or false, quantum logic is based on the concept of probability, where the state of a quantum system is described by a probability distribution over multiple possible states.

In classical logic, the truth value of a statement is determined by the state of the system being described. For example, in classical logic, if a light is on, the statement “the light is on” is true, and if the light is off, the statement “the light is on” is false.

In quantum systems, the state of a system cannot always be described as simply true or false. Instead, the state of a quantum system is described by a probability distribution over multiple possible states, each of which may be true or false. This means that the truth of a statement about a quantum system cannot be determined with certainty.

Quantum logic provides a way of representing and reasoning about these probability distributions. It is based on the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics and is different from classical logic in a number of ways. For example, in quantum logic, it is possible for two statements to be simultaneously true and false, a concept known as quantum superposition. This concept does not exist in classical logic, where two statements cannot both be true and false at the same time.

In summary, quantum logic provides a framework for describing and reasoning about the probabilistic nature of quantum systems, while classical logic provides a framework for describing and reasoning about the definite states of classical systems.

Classical and Quantum Gates :

Gates are the basic building blocks of digital circuits, and they play a crucial role in the functioning of both classical and quantum computers. However, there are two different types of gates — classical gates and quantum gates — and it’s important to understand the differences between them.

Classical Gates :

Classical Gates: The Building Blocks of Digital Circuits

Classical gates are the basic components of digital circuits and play a crucial role in the functioning of digital devices. In this blog, we will explore what classical gates are, how they work, and their applications in the field of digital electronics.

What are Classical Gates?

Classical gates are binary logic gates that process two binary inputs and produce a single binary output. There are seven basic classical gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR. The input and output values of these gates are either 0 or 1, which represents the two states of digital signals: “off” or “on.”

How do Classical Gates Work?

Each classical gate performs a different logical operation based on its inputs. The AND gate produces a high output (1) only if both inputs are high. The OR gate produces a high output if either input is high. The NOT gate, also known as an inverter, produces the opposite output of its input.

The NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR gates are combinations of the basic AND, OR, and NOT gates. The NAND gate is an AND gate followed by a NOT gate, while the NOR gate is an OR gate followed by a NOT gate. The XOR gate produces a high output if only one of its inputs is high, and the XNOR gate produces a high output if both inputs are either high or low.

Applications of Classical Gates :

Classical gates are the building blocks of digital circuits and are used in a wide range of digital devices. They are used to build complex circuits, such as memory circuits, arithmetic circuits, and control circuits, that perform various functions in digital systems.

In computer systems, classical gates are used to implement logical operations in the processing of digital signals. They are used to process and store data, as well as to control the flow of information through the system.

In addition, classical gates are used in digital signal processing and control systems. They are used to implement logical operations in control algorithms and to process signals in real-time applications, such as audio and video signals.


In conclusion, classical gates are an essential component of digital circuits and play a crucial role in the functioning of digital devices. They are the building blocks of complex digital systems and are widely used in computer systems, digital signal processing, and control systems. With their ability to perform basic logical operations, classical gates form the foundation of digital electronics and continue to be a crucial component in the development of new and advanced digital technologies.

Quantum Gates :

Quantum gates are the basic building blocks of quantum circuits, which are used to perform quantum computations. There are several types of quantum gates, including:

Single-qubit gates: These gates operate on a single quantum bit (qubit) and can change the state of the qubit. Examples include the NOT (or X) gate, which flips the state of a qubit, and the Hadamard gate, which puts a qubit into a superposition of states.

Two-qubit gates: These gates operate on two qubits and are used to entangle the qubits, which means their states become correlated in a way that cannot be explained by classical physics. Examples include the CNOT (controlled NOT) gate, which performs a NOT operation on one qubit depending on the state of another qubit, and the SWAP gate, which swaps the states of two qubits.

Multi-qubit gates: These gates operate on multiple qubits and can be used to perform complex operations on multiple qubits at once.

Phase shift gates: These gates change the phase of a qubit, which can affect the probability of measuring the qubit in a certain state. An example is the Z gate, which applies a phase shift to the |1⟩ state of a qubit.

Each type of quantum gate has a unique mathematical representation, known as a unitary matrix, which describes how it transforms the state of a qubit. The combination of different quantum gates in a quantum circuit allows for the creation of arbitrary quantum algorithms that can solve specific computational problemsClassical And Quantum Tranistors :

The field of electronics has come a long way since the invention of the first transistor in 1947. Today, transistors are the building blocks of modern computers and play a crucial role in the functioning of our digital devices. However, there are two different types of transistors — classical transistors and quantum transistors — and it’s important to understand the differences between them.

Classical and Quantum Tranistors :

Classical Transistors :

A classical transistor is a three-terminal electronic device that acts as a switch or an amplifier. It consists of a source terminal, a drain terminal, and a gate terminal, and works by controlling the flow of current from the source to the drain through the use of an electric field.

Classical transistors are the building blocks of classical computers and are used to implement logical operations. They are made from semiconductors, such as silicon, and can be used to control the flow of electrical current in a circuit. When a voltage is applied to the gate terminal, it creates an electric field that controls the flow of current between the source and drain terminals.

Classical transistors have revolutionized the field of electronics and have been the backbone of digital computing for decades. They are simple, reliable, and easy to manufacture, which has made them the preferred choice for most digital devices.

Quantum Transistors :

Quantum transistors are a newer type of transistor that use the principles of quantum mechanics to control the flow of current. They work by manipulating the quantum state of electrons, allowing for the creation of superpositions and entanglements, which are essential for quantum computation.

Quantum transistors have the potential to significantly enhance the performance of computing systems by enabling the parallel processing of information. Unlike classical transistors, which use binary digits (bits) that can only be in one of two states (0 or 1), quantum transistors use quantum bits (qubits) that can exist in multiple states simultaneously.

However, quantum transistors also present unique challenges, as the delicate quantum states they manipulate are easily disturbed by the environment and must be carefully protected and controlled. This makes quantum transistors more difficult to manufacture and requires advanced technologies and techniques for their implementation.

In conclusion, classical and quantum transistors are two different types of devices used for controlling the flow of electrical current in electronics. Classical transistors are the building blocks of classical computers and are used to implement logical operations, while quantum transistors are used for quantum computation and have the potential to significantly enhance the performance of computing systems. While both types of transistors have their advantages and disadvantages, the development of quantum transistors is a promising step towards the future of computing.

Classical And Quantum Computing :

Computing has come a long way since the days of punch cards and mainframe computers. Today, we have two distinct types of computing — classical computing and quantum computing — and it’s important to understand the differences between them.

Classical Computing :

Classical computing is the type of computing used in traditional computers and is based on the principles of classical logic. It uses binary arithmetic to perform calculations and store information, and it is well-suited for tasks that involve definite and predictable outcomes.

Classical computers are made up of transistors, which are used to create logic gates. These logic gates perform basic arithmetic and logical operations, and they form the foundation of all classical computers.

Classical computers have been a huge success and have revolutionized many aspects of our lives. They are used for a wide range of tasks, from running simple office applications to performing complex simulations.

Quantum Computing :

Quantum computing is a new type of computing that is based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Unlike classical computing, which uses binary arithmetic, quantum computing uses quantum bits, or qubits, to store and process information.

Qubits are different from classical bits in that they can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This allows quantum computers to perform complex computations much faster than classical computers.

Quantum computing also has the ability to handle uncertainty and probability, which is essential for tasks that involve reasoning based on uncertain outcomes. For example, quantum computers can be used for simulating complex systems and predicting the outcome of random events, such as the weather.

History of Quantum Computing :

The Early Years :

The concept of quantum computing was first proposed in the 1980s by physicist Richard Feynman, who recognized that quantum mechanics could be used to solve certain problems much faster than classical computers. In 1985, mathematician David Deutsch wrote a seminal paper that laid out the foundations of quantum computing.

In the early 1990s, researchers began to build prototypes of quantum computers. These early devices were relatively simple and consisted of just a few qubits, but they showed that quantum computing was a viable field of research.

The First Quantum Computers :

The first practical quantum computers were built in the late 1990s and early 2000s. These devices were still relatively simple, but they demonstrated the potential of quantum computing for solving complex problems.

One of the first successful demonstrations of a quantum computer was a seven-qubit computer built by the IBM Almaden Research Center in 1998. This computer was able to solve a simple optimization problem using quantum algorithms, showing that quantum computing was not just a theoretical concept but could be applied in practice.

Quantum Computing Today :

Today, quantum computing is a rapidly growing field of research, with companies such as IBM, Google, and Microsoft investing heavily in the development of practical quantum computers. These computers are much more advanced than the early prototypes, with some devices containing hundreds of qubits.

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize many fields, including cryptography, drug discovery, and optimization. While there are still many challenges to be addressed before quantum computers become widely used, the progress that has been made in recent years is encouraging and suggests that quantum computing will play a major role in the future of computing.

Future of Quantum Computing :

Quantum computing is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to change the way we live and work. Some of the key areas where quantum computing is expected to have a significant impact include:

  1. Cryptography: Quantum computers have the potential to break many of the encryption methods used to protect sensitive information. This has led researchers to develop new encryption methods that are secure against quantum computers.
  2. Drug Discovery: Quantum computers can simulate complex chemical reactions and help researchers understand how drugs interact with the human body. This has the potential to speed up drug discovery and improve the development of new treatments.
  3. Optimization: Quantum computers are well-suited for solving complex optimization problems, such as scheduling and routing. This has the potential to improve many industries, such as transportation and logistics.
  4. Artificial Intelligence: Quantum computers can process large amounts of data and perform complex computations, making them well-suited for use in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Companies Leading the Way :

There are many companies working on quantum computing, but some of the leading players include:

  1. IBM: IBM is one of the pioneers in quantum computing and has been working on quantum computers for over a decade. IBM offers cloud-based access to quantum computers and has developed a number of quantum algorithms and software tools.
  2. Google: Google is one of the largest companies in the world and has been investing heavily in quantum computing. Google has developed a quantum computer that can perform a specific task faster than any classical computer and has been working on developing new algorithms and applications for quantum computing.
  3. Microsoft: Microsoft is one of the largest software companies in the world and has been investing in quantum computing for many years. Microsoft offers cloud-based access to quantum computers and has developed a number of quantum algorithms and software tools.
  4. Alibaba: Alibaba is one of the largest e-commerce companies in the world and has been investing in quantum computing. Alibaba has developed a number of quantum algorithms and has been working on developing new applications for quantum computing.

In conclusion, the future of quantum computing is bright, and there are many companies working on this exciting field. From solving complex problems to improving cryptography and drug discovery, quantum computing has the potential to change the way we live and work.

As quantum computing continues to evolve and mature, we can expect to see new applications and breakthroughs in the years to come. The future of quantum computing is exciting, and it’s an exciting time to be involved in this field.

Role of India In Quantum Computing :

India has been making significant strides in the field of quantum computing in recent years. The government of India has recognized the potential of quantum computing and has been investing in research and development in this field. Here are some of the key ways that India is playing a role in quantum computing:

  1. Research and Development: India has a large pool of talented scientists and engineers, and many of them are working on quantum computing. There are several research institutes and universities in India that are conducting research in quantum computing, and the government is providing funding to support this research.
  2. Industry Partnerships: India has a large IT industry, and many of the leading companies in this industry are partnering with universities and research institutes to develop quantum computing solutions. This collaboration is helping to bring the latest quantum computing technologies to India and is creating new opportunities for Indian companies.
  3. Talent Development: India has a large pool of talented engineers and scientists, and the government is working to develop new programs to train these professionals in quantum computing. This is helping to ensure that India has the skills and expertise necessary to develop and commercialize quantum computing technologies.
  4. International Collaboration: India is collaborating with other countries and international organizations to advance the field of quantum computing. For example, India is a member of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, which is focused on funding research and development in emerging technologies.

Missions Of India :

1.India’s Quantum Computing Mission :

India’s quantum computing mission is a government-led initiative aimed at advancing the country’s research and development in the field of quantum computing. The mission is part of the larger National Mission on Quantum Technologies and Applications, which was launched in 2018 by the Indian government to promote the development of quantum technologies in India.

The quantum computing mission focuses on developing quantum algorithms, quantum software, and quantum hardware, as well as building a strong pool of quantum experts in India. The mission is being carried out by several government agencies, including the Department of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Education.

One of the key objectives of the mission is to build a quantum computing ecosystem in India, which includes academic institutions, research organizations, and industry partners. The mission is also aimed at developing quantum-based solutions for real-world problems in various fields, such as cryptography, healthcare, and financial services.

In addition, the mission is working to create a strong infrastructure for quantum computing in India, including quantum computing centers, quantum communication networks, and quantum software development centers. The mission is also collaborating with international partners to share knowledge and expertise in quantum computing.

The Indian government has also established a National Centre for Quantum Technologies to provide a platform for research and development in quantum computing. The centre is responsible for conducting research, promoting collaboration among researchers, and fostering innovation in quantum computing.

In conclusion, India’s quantum computing mission is a comprehensive effort aimed at advancing the country’s research and development in the field of quantum computing. With its focus on building a strong ecosystem for quantum computing and developing quantum-based solutions for real-world problems, the mission is poised to play a major role in the growth of quantum technologies in India.

Companies In India Works on Quantum Computing :

There are several companies in India that are working on quantum computing and related technologies. Some of the prominent companies in the field include:

  1. QuNexus Solutions: A startup based in Bangalore that is focused on developing quantum computing solutions for various industries.
  2. C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing): A research and development organization that is focused on the development of high-performance computing solutions, including quantum computing.
  3. Strangeways Research: A Bangalore-based company that provides quantum computing solutions for various industries, including finance, healthcare, and logistics.
  4. AryaQuant: A startup that provides consulting and research services in the field of quantum computing.
  5. Quantiki: A research and development organization that provides solutions in the field of quantum computing and quantum information science.
  6. AstraQT: A startup that provides quantum computing solutions for various industries, including finance, healthcare, and logistics.

These are some of the leading companies in India that are working on quantum computing and related technologies. The field of quantum computing is rapidly growing in India, and there is a growing interest in developing quantum technologies and solutions that can be used in various industries.

Authors :

1 . Muneshwar Prashik Deepak

2. Shelke Virendra Kishor

3. Shingde Vaibhav Babruwan

4. Yadav Sanika Kishor

References :

