Build 1.0: Visual design improvement framework

Vaibhav Agrawal
6 min readDec 12, 2023


Almost a year ago, I wanted to upskill my UI design. Fascinated by stunning visuals on Pinterest, Dribbble, and other platforms, I pondered how designers crafted such brilliance 🤔

Luckily, I discovered the challenge that will help designers improve their visual design skills, which helped me propel into the vibrant realm of design, sculpting me into a better visual designer, and allowing me to step out of my comfort zone. Build 1.0 helped me get a step closer to my goal.

So, with the help of this article, I want to share my experience and how it helped me. Let’s dive in.

Embark on the BuiLD 1.0 journey, a 90-day design challenge born from the vision of Atul Khola, senior product designer at CRED, and his team at Design Drug.

This community-driven initiative aims to elevate design skills. Dive into the heart of this transformative program designed to empower design enthusiasts like me, propelling to excel in the vibrant realm of design.

The 90-day challenge is divided into three phases, focusing on improving participants’ visual design skills through daily prompts and tasks.

The challenge involves replicating screenshots, solving creative prompts, and showcasing work with an emphasis on motion design in the last phases.

But wait, the journey isn’t just about creation, it’s also about commitment and consistency.

Participants face the challenge of submitting work diligently every week. Miss a beat, and the elimination awaits. Yet, even in elimination, the learning continues with daily prompts to fuel your design journey.

For the champions who persist, there’s a reward waiting at the finish line. A generous prize pool of 💰86k INR adds an extra layer of excitement. Participants who submit their work consistently stand a chance to claim their share of this bounty, proof of their commitment and honed skills.

Build 1.0 Onboarding meet

Why I Dived into BuiLD 1.0 ❓

  • A genuine desire to boost and refine my visual design skills.
  • Striving to bring greater consistency to my design work.
  • Breaking out of my comfort zone to explore new and diverse design styles.
  • Seeking the opportunity to network, learn, and compete with exceptional designers from around the globe.

Participating in BuiLD 1.0 became more than just a challenge, it was a deliberate step towards personal and professional growth, driven by a passion for design and a thirst for new experiences

Navigating BuiLD 1.0 Phases 🔄

Let’s delve into the results of my 90 Days of UI Challenge. I’m excited to share the designs crafted through each phase, offering insights into the journey from precision to innovation.

Phase 1: Replication — Precision Playground 🔍

In this foundational phase, we were tasked with replicating screenshots provided by the organizers. The challenge was not merely about copying visuals but demanded meticulous attention to detail. For me, this meant delving into pixel-perfect precision, a journey that reflected in my work as I recreated each screenshot with a keen eye for detail.

Stocks trading app concept design
Apple audio recorder concept 🎵
Modern Video Editor UI
Modern design style elements
Crocs promotional page
This is how we used to get prompts in case you are wondering!

Phase 2: Creative Problem-Solving — Innovation Unleashed 🧠

Phase 2 marked a shift from replication to innovation. Instead of receiving screenshots, participants were presented with thought-provoking prompts. The challenge was to unravel these prompts, tapping into creative problem-solving. I embraced this phase as an opportunity to infuse my personal style and innovative thinking into my designs. Each prompt became a canvas for me to showcase my unique approach.

Prompt: Design a screen for an expense-tracking app
Prompt: Design a screen for hotel booking checkout
Prompt: Create a landing page for a large-scale e-commerce site.
Prompt: Design a concierge service app that can set your itinerary for a trip

Phase 3: Motion Design Showcase — Dynamic Evolution 🔮

The grand culmination unfolded in Phase 3, where the spotlight turned to motion design. Participants were tasked with showcasing their work using dynamic, animated elements. This phase required a fusion of visual design and motion graphics, challenging designers to breathe life into their creations. My works in this phase became a testament to the dynamic evolution of my skills, as I ventured into the captivating world of motion design, bringing a new dimension to my creations.

Prompt: Design a website for a plant vendor retro theme-based
Prompt: Design a fitness app
Prompt: Create a pixel effect on any character or thing that you want to animate.
Prompt: Design a product to help users manage their medication schedules and ensure they take the right medications at the right time.
Prompt: Design a dynamic weather app with motion

These three phases formed a progressive journey, each with its unique challenges. For me, they weren’t just challenges; they were opportunities to showcase my evolving skills, leaving a visual trail of my creative exploration and growth.

Check all designs on dribbble:

A peek into my process 👁️

Embark on a quick tour of my design process. A quick overview of the layers, colors, and decisions that breathe life into each creation. Uncover the artistry and precision behind the pixels, and witness the design narrative unfold in a blink.

Figma file overivew which i made during build
My process of design during build 1.0, Overview of my Figma file

The result 🌟

As the pages turned, and the 90th day arrived, only 21 designers remained. I felt a sense of accomplishment as I realized I was among the few. Every challenge completed was a step forward, every submission a piece of a growing design story.

In this transformative journey, I discovered the power of consistency, the art of collaboration, and the limitless possibilities that unfold when creativity knows no bounds. The challenges weren’t just tasks; they were lessons, shaping not only my design skills but also my approach to problem-solving and innovation.

Digital reward from the team for completing the 90-day challenge

Learnings from the challenge 📗

  • Consistency drives growth
  • Daily consumption and exposure to quality design inspires.
  • Stay updated with trends.
  • Precision matters in execution.
  • Continuous learning and Iteration for a good design.

These learnings will be powerful catalysts, pivotal in propelling my design journey forward. They are more than just knowledge; they’re integral to my workflow, shaping me into a better designer.

What’s Next 🚀

As this chapter closes, a new one begins. With refined skills and memories from BuiLD 1.0, I’m ready for fresh design adventures. This journey doesn’t end; it transforms.

With my honed visual skills, I will be now focusing on working and improving myself in UX research, and analysis and learning more about design systems and scalable design with that I will keep updating myself with new visual trends and continue improving myself every day to become among the best designers.

Thank you⭐

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Vaibhav Agrawal

Designer passionate about crafting user-centric, scalable designs inspired by daily experiences.