Are you in that “All or Nothing” zone?

2 min readMay 26, 2022

In your school, you might have seen a lot of people with competitive mindset. Sometimes, the parents create this pressure of “becoming the top student”.

Either you’ll be the #1 ranker or would fail to make it to the top, as if you are part of this “race”.

Lot of people including us have this mindset where we believe in the “all or nothing” principle. People with this unrealistic expectation do not see grey areas in most situations; They either fully love or completely hate things.

“I am going to either WIN or LOSE. There’s no in between.”

For example, an extremely competitive person believes that he should be “number one or nothing at all”. A closely related phenomenon to this context is also known as Zero Sum game which is kind of very similar to polarised thinking.

You can either be 1️⃣ or 0️⃣. That’s it. That’s all that matters.

Reality is never like it. You should avoid falling in this trap.

This kind of thinking can potentially lead you to a “grind” zone where you will raise the bar way too high, which will require more efforts and higher expectations from the self.

One of the things you can do to combat such mindset is by reframing the situation you are in & identifying the intrusive thought.

Don’t over do it because then it is the fastest highway 🛣 to overthinking which will just cause your brain to hang.

Have you felt this on a personal level? Do share your take.

P.S. I often write a small newsletter on Psychology which you may like if this fascinated you :)

