Quorum 101: Getting started with Quorum



a bait to quorum lovers

This post marks the first in a new Quorum series I am starting in an effort to provide some easy to read instructions covering topics I found online, particularly vast and hard to get started.

In this post, we are going to cover a basic overview of Quorum. But if you want to get your hands dirty, then you can go here. Also, I am working on stress-testing EOS and HyperLedger Fabric. I have already stress-tested Quorum and the results are out.

If you like high-tech Web3 concepts like Quorum explained in simple words with interactive tutorials, then head here.




Entrepreneur | Co-founder, TowardsBlockChain, an MIT CIC incubated startup | SimpleAsWater, YC 19 | Speaker | https://vaibhavsaini.com