2 min readDec 31, 2020


6 Great Tips to Enhance your Health & well being in 2021.

Entering New Decade with abundance of Love in your heart, glow on your face & peace in your soul.

Everyone wants good health & considering the current ongoing pandemic it’s become more crucial for all of us to be extra careful & loving towards our body. Here are few simple traditional tips that we all know but yet somehow never execute. These are very simple & cost effective methods.

  1. Early to bed & Early to rise makes a person Healthy & wise.. A very popular quote known to all but yet doesn’t fit into our lifestyles & so we ignore this most powerful tip to improve our not only our health but also keeps our mind active & happy.
  2. Drinking at least 10 glasses of water Daily.. This is the least I could write. If you can drink more according to your age & health.
  3. Keep a check on your food Intake. What you eat is what shows up on your face & overall health. So especially girls if you want clear skin eat your greens & keep your skin clean. It’s not magic It’s pure dedication.
  4. You should exercise at least thrice a week if not daily.If you are a lazy person & not into much of physical exercise at least walk half an hour daily.
  5. Meditation is the best way to calm your mind & nourish your soul. To succeed in life you need a calm spirit & just like we feel our body we should it’s equally important to feed our soul with good thoughts & good thoughts come from calmer mind & meditation does the trick. So meditate.

Take sunlight Daily for half an hour daily. We all know it’s the ultimate source of vitamin D but more than that for me it’s always been my happy place.Sun truely enhances your spirit & keeps you in good mood.

So Here’s wishing all my readers a happy, healthy & an extremely blessed 2021🙏May this year not only bring all Of us great health but also hoping & praying hard for the vaccine we all been waiting For. Here’s to greater health, peaceful mind & calmer Life.

Yours Truely,

Vaishnavi Jadhav

