Beyond the Stigma — Soul-Saving Reasons You Should Consider Therapy Right Now

Vaishnavi Copywriter
3 min readSep 20, 2023


Walking on Eggshells is better than telling people that you need therapy!

Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

Ah, therapy.

It’s that “thing” that’s always been around, lurking in the shadows of our lives.


That unspoken sentiment that says, “If you’re in therapy, you’re broken.”

It’s the mental health boogeyman that society has unfairly labeled as a last resort for the desperate.

But to me — Therapy isn’t a repair shop for the damaged; it’s a gym for your soul, a tune-up for the complex machinery of your mind.

Imagine……. you’re trapped in a job that drains your spirit, where every email lands like a ticking time bomb marked —

“urgent, EOD deadline.”

You sit through meetings that stretch on like a bad movie with no plot.

Finally, when you think it’s time to escape, you realize you’re emotionally drained — worn out from accomplishing, well good for nothing.

You head home, facing the arduous task of rowing a packed metro, elbowing your way through a human jungle of stinky arms and exhausted faces.

For a moment, you catch a gander of yourself, just another face in the crowd, lifeless and hazy from the sea of weary commuters around you.

And then it hits you: This soul-sucking cycle isn’t just today’s story — it’s your life’s eternal loop,

Destined to repeat tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that.

In this knee-jerk existence, day and night you bleed into an endless gray, each as lifeless as the other, leaving you to question: When did life become a monotonous reel with no intermissions?

Studies say that 1 in every 6.8 people experience mental health issues due to the workplace.

In situations like these, finding someone to talk to for relief can be unbelievably exacting.

Let’s Break it Down — Why You Actually Need Therapy

The misunderstandings are like cobwebs — once you start brushing them away, the view becomes crystal clear.

  • Your relationships grew edgy as you brought home the emotional baggage from work.
  • You’re too wiped out to pursue hobbies or passions, and “me-time” becomes an exotic vision.

It’s a domino effect — your work stress toppling one area of your life after another.

You can’t pour from an empty cup.

  • The stress doesn’t stop at messing with your mood; it starts inviting its friends — headaches, sleep disorders, and even digestive issues.

Yeah, you read that right.

This is the wake-up call if you had this situation and felt the same.

Try to Find that Reset Button

Therapy isn’t about fixing something that’s broken; it’s about finding your reset button.

It offers you a fresh start and a clean slate to build upon.

You get the tools to dissect your stressors, understand your triggers, and map out healthier coping mechanisms.

Clarity and Perspective

Ever tried reading a book too close to your face? — Like so close that your eyelashes keep brushing those pages?

Isn’t just blurry?

Similarly, when you’re up close and personal with your problems, you lose perspective.

That's when you need to step back and see the bigger picture, reconnecting you with your life goals and personal values — Therapy gives you that view of life.

Skill Up

Believe it or not, emotional intelligence is a skill you can cultivate.

  • How to handle stress
  • How to communicate
  • How to address your thoughts positively
  • How to focus on your inner soul
  • How to….

Therapy can coach you on these how-to’s, so you become a more efficient version of yourself.

Time to Shine

I do not want to convince you in any way, that you are mentally Ill and you might need therapy.

But one thing you need to focus on more than anything in your life is your mental health.

It lives with you & within you.

So next time you feel like you’re circling the drain, remember therapy isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s your pit stop for fueling up on resilience, clarity, and emotional intelligence.

And trust me, with these acclivities, you won’t just survive the rat race — you’ll own it.

I have started a 30-day Instagram Story series documenting my steps to come out of depression. Feel free to join me there as well.



Vaishnavi Copywriter

My writing is a tribute to the things that ignite my passion | Personal Stories| Depression | Marketing