The Wake-Up Call You Didn’t Know You Needed

Vaishnavi Copywriter
3 min readSep 23, 2023


You Can’t Afford to Hit Snooze on Your Life Anymore….

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

You’re sitting at your desk, like the other day, doing the same work, replying to the same people, doing the same thing and the monotony is deafening.

You’ve got that “another day, another dollar” vibe.

But deep down, you know you’re trading hours for a paycheck, not passion.

Albert Einstein nailed it when he said,

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Let’s not sugarcoat it.

According to a Gallup study, 23% of workers feel burned out at work “very often or always,” while an additional 44% feel burned out “sometimes.”

So, you’re not alone in feeling like you’re sprinting on a treadmill that’s stuck on “incline.”

You can’t pour from an empty cup, but here you are, scraping the bottom, handing out your last drops of energy like free samples at a mall.

And for what?

Another “Employee of the Month” certificate?

Look, you’re not a robot programmed to churn out work.

You’re a complex soul with dreams and aspirations that go beyond the corners of your cubicle.

As Socrates put it millennia ago,

“An unexamined life is not worth living.”

Your Personalized Roadmap to ‘You’

Take a Breather, Literally

Remember those “ah-ha” moments you’ve had?

Maybe in the shower, or during a run?

That’s your mind saying, “Finally, some space!

The science backs this up. A study found that 72% of people get creative ideas in the shower.

Your brain needs downtime, a ‘system refresh,’ to connect the dots.

Dedicate 10–15 minutes of your day to uninterrupted thinking.

It could be during your shower, a walk, or just sitting quietly. Use this time to think freely and let your mind wander.

Keep a notepad or your phone handy to jot down any ideas or solutions that pop into your head.

Make this a daily habit; set a reminder if you have to.

Get in the ‘Flow’

The term ‘flow’ isn’t some woo-woo buzzword.

It’s a legit psychological state where you’re so engrossed in what you’re doing that you lose yourself.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the psychologist behind the concept, says this is your brain’s optimal state.

When you hit that flow, note down what you were doing. Make it a point to do more of that.

Time for Heart-to-Heart Talks

You might think, “Hey, my problems, my business.”

But here’s an eye-opener: studies indicate that talking about your thoughts and feelings can literally change your brain’s biochemistry.

Lean on your friends and family. Voice your struggles, share your aspirations, and open up about your dreams.

They are your emotional SWAT team, ready to storm the barriers between you and your goals.

Level Up or Lose Out

You know that voice inside that says, “This isn’t you?” Listen to it.

George Eliot hit the nail on the head,

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

Do something spontaneous that aligns with your deeper interests — no more excuses.

  • Book that skydiving ticket,
  • enroll in that salsa dancing class,
  • or buy the ingredients for that complex recipe you’ve always wanted to try.

Schedule it, so there’s no backing out.

The point isn’t just to have fun; it’s to shock your system and remind you that life has more to offer, sparking a new, invigorated outlook.

The rush you’ll feel can become the fuel you need to tackle the bigger things you’ve been shying away from.

Daily Inch: Your Baby Steps to Big Leaps

The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.

As Tony Robbins said very perfectly, The path from here to ‘Ideal You’ is built with baby steps.

What can you do today to get closer to where you want to be?

Write down a 30-day plan for change and stick to it.

Every day counts….

Time for a New Chapter

Now’s not the time for cold feet. It’s the time for cold, hard action.

Your future self will thank you, trust me.

Because once you change the inner narrative, the external story unfolds almost like magic.

Are you ready to turn the page?

Follow me on my journey of combating depression & finding my true purpose via my 30-day Instagram Story series.



Vaishnavi Copywriter

My writing is a tribute to the things that ignite my passion | Personal Stories| Depression | Marketing