Writing Trendy Topics Won’t Make You a Content Legend (But Here’s What Will)!

Vaishnavi Ravichandran
7 min readMay 5, 2024


Hey there writer/reader! Have you ever wondered why some pieces resonate powerfully with the audience, while others barely scratch the surface of engagement? Today, we’re exploring the dynamics of writing on trendy topics, dissecting its undeniable benefits and intricate challenges.

There’s no denying the initial excitement of writing about a hot topic. Here’s why it can be a winning strategy:

  • Instant Attention: Imagine your article rising to the top of search results, attracting curious readers like a lighthouse in the fog. Trendy topics are magnets, increasing the chances of your work exploding in popularity. They’re the ones that your audience is already discussing on their social media feeds, in office corridors, and at dinner tables.

For instance, during the global shift to remote work, articles about home office setups and productivity soared in popularity in Google SERPs.

  • Engaged Audience: People are naturally drawn to what’s hot. When readers stumble upon your trendy piece, they’re primed for interaction. This is your chance to guide and lead them through the latest phenomenon and build a loyal following.
  • SEO Advantage: Search engines love fresh content that aligns with current searches. Thus, cleverly incorporate those trendy keywords into your content and you can become the SEO master. That can boost search ranking and make the work more discoverable. So, trendy topics, by their very nature, generate significant search volumes in a short period. Crafting content that leverages these keywords can boost your visibility on search engines, driving organic traffic to your site.

For example, articles incorporating trending terms like “sustainable fashion” or “AI in healthcare,” when they first spike in popularity, often see a significant boost in SEO rankings. Always go with the AIDA model no matter what.

  • Building Authority: Jumping on a trend shows you’re in the know, someone with a finger on the pulse of the online world. This can establish you as a thought leader — the expert sharing insightful takes on the latest happenings. By providing insightful commentary or deep analysis on trending issues, you can ideally inform and show your audience that you’re at the cutting edge of what’s happening.

Consider how tech bloggers dive into the latest gadgets or updates in artificial intelligence to establish authority in the tech community!

But, Hold on a minute, though. The world of trends can be a double-edged sword. Here’s why trendy content might be sabotaging your writing goals.

Source: Osmany Mederos via Pexels

The Downside: When Trends Writing Can Trip You Up

Here’s why content writing for a trendy topic can get tricky:

  • Oversaturation: The online world is a battlefield overflowing with writers all chasing the same trend. This fierce competition can make your work a needle in a haystack, struggling to be seen amidst the noise. Avoiding redundancy is a real game-changer.

For instance, during election times, countless articles are written about the candidates and their policies; only the most unique or insightful content captures public attention.

  • Fickle Fans: Trends are indeed fireflies — beautiful but fleeting. Today’s viral sensation is tomorrow’s forgotten news. That properly crafted piece you wrote recently on the newest social media challenge, will become irrelevant faster than you can say “hashtag forgotten.”
  • Ethical Considerations and Authenticity: Writing on trendy topics requires writers to navigate ethical considerations and uphold principles of authenticity and integrity in their content creation efforts. So, writers must resist the temptation to sacrifice journalistic integrity or ethical standards, while running behind clicks and engagement, prioritizing truthfulness and transparency in their reporting and analysis.
  • Shallow Waters: The fast-paced nature of trends can often lead to content with little depth. Sacrificing substance for fleeting popularity can damage your credibility in the long run. Imagine being the writer everyone remembers for that one catchy (but ultimately meaningless) article — not exactly a recipe for long-term success. And the part about quality is a 100% question mark as days pass!

Plus, it requires a fast-paced research and writing process that not everyone may be equipped for or comfortable with.

  • Losing Your Voice: Constantly chasing trends resembles wearing someone else’s clothes — you might look okay, but it doesn’t quite fit. Chasing the latest fads can make you lose sight of what truly matters: your unique voice and perspective. Your audience signed up for you, not a chameleon writer constantly adapting to the latest craze. Only your voice and expertise make readers come back for more of your content.

So, Trendy Content Writing: Friend or Foe?

Well, the truth is, it’s a complicated relationship. Writing trendy topics is a powerful tool, but don’t be a slave to the latest fads. And here’s how to strike the golden balance:

  • Be a Curator, Not a Copycat: Don’t just jump on every passing piece of information. Choose trends that genuinely resonate with you and offer opportunities to add your own valuable insights. Get yourself in the curator’s shoes: Choose the most interesting pieces (trends) and showcase them with your own commentary.
Source: AI-generated Image via Freepik

Go Beyond that: Don’t just present the trend — analyze it, discuss its implications, and encourage reader participation through comments, polls, or Q&A sessions. Use CTAs wisely here.

  • Focus on the Long Game: While riding a trend can offer a boost, prioritize building a long-term writing strategy. Develop your unique style and voice, ensuring your content has lasting value beyond the buzz. Imagine writing articles similar to a classic film — it will stay relevant and interesting even after years.

In short, write effectively about trendy topics — aiming for a blend of timeliness and timelessness. While the initial hook is the trend, your article’s substance must give relevant insights, staying beyond the current cycle.

For example, when writing about a new social media tool, discuss not only its current popularity but also how it fits into long-term communication strategies.

  • Use Trends as Launch Pads: Don’t just jump on the trend train, use it as a springboard for deeper exploration. Can you offer a critical analysis of the trend? Does it connect to larger issues within your niche? So, use trending topics as a launch pad, propelling you toward a deeper understanding of your subject matter.

But Remember: Don’t keyword stuff! Focus on creating high-quality content that naturally incorporates relevant keywords. Search engines are getting smarter, and readers can smell inauthentic content a mile away.

  • Target Your Tribe: Instead of chasing generic trends, identify hot topics relevant to your primary target audience. This ensures your content is timely and relevant, offering genuine value to your readers. Can you find a way to connect the trend to a larger, more evergreen topic?

For example, an article about a viral baking challenge could be used to explore broader trends in home cooking or the psychology of food trends. In short, picture it as if you’re writing a letter directly to your ideal reader and not a generic postcard to the entire internet.

Your Takeaway

Ultimately, writing about trendy topics can be a powerful tool for boosting visibility and engagement. However, don’t let chasing trends become your sole focus. By strategically using trends, prioritizing your unique voice, and building a long-term strategy, you can turn them into allies on your path to writing success. For content writers/developers and bloggers, seeking to make the most out of trends, blending timely content with timeless wisdom could be the key to sustained relevance and engagement.

Are you ready to ride the wave of trends thoughtfully and effectively? The opportunities are vast, but so is the competition. Aim high, research deeply, and write passionately!

Before writing any piece of digital content, look at what others have written already online. It will surely provide insights into what works for you personally and what does not. Analyze which articles have garnered extensive engagement and why. Use this analysis to carve out a niche angle that offers something distinctly different or more valuable. Ultimately, high-quality, well-researched content topics will be more likely to earn respect and trust from your audience; search engine bots, of course. Happy writing!



Vaishnavi Ravichandran

Explore the world of knowledge with me, as I craft fascinating content from useful concepts & turn your reading time interesting & informative!