The Valannia Herald | Tales of Valannia

10 min readJan 30, 2024


Greetings Valannians!

The Valannia Herald is back with the first edition of 2024, where we reflect on the milestones we achieved in 2023 and share our plans for this new year.

2023 — A year in retrospect

Before we dive deep into what 2024 will look like, we want to acknowledge how far we have come in such a short time in 2023.

On August 28th, we commenced our journey with a modest team of approximately 10 individuals. Our primary emphasis has been on cultivating a robust online presence, strategically expanding across diverse platforms such as the web, Discord, Twitter, and Medium.

Looking back, we believe our most notable achievements this year include:

1) Event Creation:

We have created four different types of events to maintain our commitment to transparency and open communication with our community. These events are known as “Building Valannia,” “Valannia Space,” “Tavern Meeting,” and “Assembly.” Additionally, we have recently launched our article called “The Valannia Herald,” which features development updates, Kurangi chapters, and highlights from our community.

2) Valannium Ring:

We launched our first NFT in Valannia, known as the “Valannium Ring,” which offers several benefits to its holders within our universe. This NFT has a limited supply of only 200 units, and within just 24 hours of its launch, 114 rings were sold, leaving only 86 available for the next minting date. The next minting date will follow the launch of Valannia Arena, so be sure to stay tuned for updates.

3) WIP — Valannia Arena:

In December of the preceding year, we unveiled a work-in-progress (WIP) preview of our inaugural video, offering a sneak peek into the captivating visuals of Valannia Arena. However, we would like to emphasize that this is a work in progress (WIP). Our team is working hard to deliver the best possible version of the game to our community.

WIP — Valannia Arena

We have achieved several significant milestones since the start of our journey in 2023, including the launch of our DApp, character modeling, continuous development, and community growth. We are proud of these accomplishments and wanted to provide a brief summary of our progress during the first four months of work.

Our Spirit into 2024

The year 2024 has started off on a promising note for Valannia. We have added new professionals to various sectors of the project who bring in their vast experience to contribute more efficiently to achieving our goals. Our development team is making rapid progress on Valannia Arena, and the DApp team is working on upcoming releases for this year. In addition, we are collaborating with new partners who share the same vision and future philosophy as we do at Valannia. We are striving to bring Valannia to more people and expand its reach in the market. This year will be a turning point for Valannia, as we have a roadmap filled with magnificent implementations, and we are working diligently to establish the foundations of this wonderful universe we are creating together. There are also many exciting things that are not listed on the roadmap, but you will undoubtedly see them, and we are confident that you will like them. Don’t miss out.

Tales of Valannia

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our extended campaign, which coincides with the grand finale — the unveiling of Valannia Arena: Tales of Valannia!

Embark on an immersive journey through the rich tapestry of Valannia’s history, diverse landscapes, and enigmatic races. Get to know the Humans, resilient survivors, navigating a medieval existence after an emergency landing from outer space. Zan’thar, once peaceful mystics in the northeast, face unforeseen threats jeopardizing their serenity. Feyrune thrives in the moors of Lumindor, where deadly Fairies and loyal Satyrs forge a harmonious society. The chaotic Glorb, with their distinctive blue skin and pointed ears, worship the barbaric deity Glorb, unleashing unpredictable mayhem. Tyxen, intelligent rodents, seize and advance with human technology, shaping the fate of Valannia. Lerathi, ancient reptilian dominators, worship the serpent deity Kron, seeking to plunge Valannia into darkness. Pirith, ethereal beings from the North, guard the secrets of Arvaxia with radiant energy. Altari, noble avians in the icy northwest, defend their mountainous home with unparalleled valor, led by skilled knights and powerful wizards.

Throughout this adventure, you’ll have the opportunity to carefully select your race, heroes, dispatch them on thrilling adventures, forge powerful weapons and armor, and summon formidable combat units. It’s a strategic odyssey where you’ll be well-equipped and strategically positioned for the impending clash, as the drums of war resonate through Valannia.

We are thrilled to bring you a sneak peek of the exciting updates we have in store for you this year! From enhancements to our Marketplace to the latest news about our Token, 2024 promises to be a year full of thrills in Valannia.

Discover all the details about Valannia Gateway, the release date for the highly anticipated Heroes and Combat Units, and everything related to our innovative Interactive Staking program. Be ready for a year full of surprises that will transform the Valannia universe.

We are excited to present our 2024 roadmap, Tales of Valannia, and invite you to join us on this exciting journey.

Tales of Valannia — Roadmap 2024


Marketplace Minor Updates

We are working on consistently strive to enhancinge the user experience on our Marketplace. We are actively engaged in visual refinement tasks and the development of a more intuitive mobile version. Furthermore, our web3 and blockchain-specialized team is dedicated to integrating additional elements into the Marketplace, which are all across our roadmap and will be detailed further below.

Valannia Gateway

Before covering the details about our much-anticipated heroes, we want to introduce our Referral Program: Valannia Gateway. This innovative initiative is designed for content creators and anyone interested in being the Messenger of Valannia.. Through this program, Messengers will have the opportunity to earn a percentage of each sale on our marketplace. This strategy not only enhances transactions within Valannia but also provides an income-generating avenue for those who possess the title of a Messenger. We are excited about the positive impact Valannia Gateway will have on our community and the creation of new opportunities.


Dawn of Heroes: Origin

Introducing Dawn of Heroes — the first set of heroes with whom you can enter Valannia. We have been talking a lot about the heroes lately, and there is a good reason for that: in Valannia, we have 24 heroes, with three for each race, and one of them holds the title of Race Leader.

As outlined in the Whitepaper, there is a 4% chance of generating one of these leaders, making them truly unique and authentic.

In addition to their limited supply, the leaders of each race will have exclusive abilities and advantages, which we will reveal in upcoming communications. Be sure to stay tuned, as we will be rolling out campaigns, benefits, and other surprises over the coming weeks and months.

It is crucial to highlight that our first mint of heroes will be truly one-of-a-kind. Once launched, there will be no further opportunities to mint identical ones, making them an irreplaceable part of Valannia’s history. This is why heroes minted during this period will receive a special Origin designation.

NFT Rankings

Introducing a feature that will make the hearts of players beat faster: NFT Rankings! This is your personalized Leaderboard for those who are holding Valannia’s NFTs.

Dawn of Heroes: Adventure

If you were devoted enough to mint an Origins hero, then get ready for a unique and exciting experience in our DApp: the Interactive Staking! This feature is divided into three fascinating parts, with the first part titled “Adventure” set to be available in the second quarter.

In the Adventure section, you will have the opportunity to send your hero on special missions that intertwine with the rich story of Valannia. During these exciting adventures, your hero will earn valuable Experience Points (XP), becoming stronger, and leveling up. As an added bonus, there is a chance to discover exclusive NFTs called Valannia Gems which can be used in Dawn of Heroes 2: Crafting.

It is important to note that XP and items gained by your hero in Adventure will be reflected both in Valannia Arena and the MMO later on. This means the minters of Origins Heroes will have a major advantage over players joining later. We are eager to dive deeper into Dawn of Heroes: Adventure soon, and share it with you. Stay tuned for more details about this exciting release!

The Power Scrolls

Power Scrolls hold immense power in Valannia and are incredibly rare. This release will be the one and only opportunity for a select few to unleash the power of these scrolls.

If you have yet to explore this section of the Whitepaper or are just discovering it, Power Scrolls offer an exciting range of benefits, including:

  • Airdrop of combat units of the chosen race.
  • Airdrop of a ‘Mystic Land,’ which will be exclusive for ONLY those who purchase a scroll. Please note that mystic lands will be only available to those who own a scroll.
  • In-game utilities for special events in Valannia and perhaps outside of Valannia.
  • Other Airdrops.

These fascinating features have been designed with groups of people, gaming guilds, or early investors in mind who wish to establish themselves as formidable guilds and leaders in Valannia.

The Advent of Guilds

With great excitement, we officially announce the launch of Guilds in our DApp in Q2. Users will have the opportunity to authenticate, select their preferred guilds, and join those they wish to be a part of. Valannia’s guilds are already gathering and making themselves prominent, with active participation from DovahGG, Dragon Corp, Heimdall Industries, Los Pochos, NFTxStreet, and many others.

Guilds, to arms!


Legions Call

While we often focus on the heroes, we cannot forget the crucial role that Combat Units play in the gameplay of Valannia. These units create an essential synergy with the heroes, enabling them to reach their full potential.

For this reason, we are excited to announce that at the beginning of the third quarter, we will be introducing Combat Units to Valannia!

We will have 6 types: Infantry, Range, Tank, Cavalry, Magic, and Colossus/War Machine. It is imperative to remember that each Combat Unit will possess different ‘Troop Points,’ and a wide range of formations, abilities and weapons, adding a strategic element when selecting our army to face various battles.

Token Launch

We know that many of you have been eagerly waiting for this moment, and we are thrilled to announce that by the end of the third quarter, we will be launching the Valannia token! This token will introduce enhanced depth, broader integrations, and expanded possibilities within our economic system..We are excited to announce this long-anticipated and crucial stage of our journey, and to welcome those who are joining us for this part of the adventure and can’t wait for you to immerse yourselves in the exciting universe of Valannia with the launch of our highly anticipated token.


Valannia Arena — Closed Alpha

We recognize that a considerable number of you have been anxiously anticipating the first playable version of Valannia Arena, and we are excited to announce that in the fourth quarter, we will be releasing the first closed alpha version of the game! And the best part? This alpha version will be exclusively available to ring holders!

So if you’re interested in participating in the Closed Alpha, make sure that you have your ring ready.

Dawn of Heroes: Crafting

In the next stage of Interactive Staking, Crafting and the ForgeStore will take center stage. This phase introduces Crafting and Purchasing functionalities.

During this phase, players can use the Valannia Gems collected in Adventure to enhance and level up their heroes’ equipment. Each crafting will take place in the Tyxen Machine and will require both the hero’s equipment and a specific number and type of gems. However, as you increase the equipment’s upgrade level, the risk also rises, and you might even risk losing the equipment permanently. But don’t worry, you can acquire it again at Sir Bastos’ Forge.

Apart from the forge, players can also put up items for sale on the Marketplace, provided they have obtained them in both adventures and crafting. This means that Valannia users can now play a significant role in the economy.

Token Staking

We have some exciting news to share with you! By the end of this year, we will be launching staking for the Valannia token. This initiative will offer exclusive benefits to those who believe in our project and actively participate in our DAO.It’s an exciting opportunity to reward those who support our vision and actively contribute to our community!

We hope you’re excited about our plans for the year ahead! However, we want to remind you that this is just the beginning. We have surprises and unexpected events planned for each month, and we can’t wait to share them with you!

Keep your eyes peeled for hints and updates as time goes on. We’ll be kicking off the first round of surprises and events very shortly, so stay tuned!


Project: Valannia Arena — Unreal Engine implementation

  • Characters: Programming of hero and unit classes. Implementation of six more Valannia hero models, animations and VFXs.
  • Gameplay: Implementation of particular abilities for the implemented Valannia characters.
  • Level: Base and Center region of the map completed and new props
  • UI/UX: more functionality included in the game menu. Roaster and main menu still WIP
  • Upcoming activities: Preparing for V2 of internal pre-alpha, including more characters and basic gameplay

Project: DAPP

  • Design: The design of the second version of the DAPP is ready.
  • Architecture: The backend programming is ready with more functionalities.
  • Blockchain: The blockchain development of the DAPP is ready.




Valannia is a disruptive project within the metaverse. Is a large-scale strategy MMO set in a medieval fantasy world, powered by Unreal Engine 5 technology.