The Best Productivity Hack

is not a productivity hack.

Valentin Perez
1 min readOct 3, 2018

It’s not a faster way to sort through emails, or the pomodoro technique.

Doing things “more productively” doesn’t matter if you’re doing the wrong things.

The best “productivity” hack is to identify the highest-leverage action, at any given time.

Highest-leverage action for what? For whatever you want to optimize.

If you don’t know what to optimize for, two great answers to default to are: personal energy in the long run, and understanding.

Then it’s all about channeling attention, time, and energy into that high-leverage pursuit.

It’s something my co-founder Max and I agree on. Today we were talking about this over lunch. I’m practicing daily writing as part of my Re Human project, so thought I’d write about this today.



Valentin Perez

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.