12 Fast-Food Items That You Can Only Find In Italy

Valentina F.
5 min readJan 20, 2022

Have you ever wondered what chains like McDonald’s and Burger King might have to do in the bel paese? Do they have any business in a country where the food is so delicious and fresh?

The fast-food industry has become increasingly popular in Italy during the past 40 years. [Image from rawpixel.com]

Well, if you have, let’s dive into it!

But first of all…Which was the first fast-food restaurant to open its doors to the public in the country? McDonald’s, maybe? It must’ve come from the United States, right? Italian people would never betray their culinary culture…or would they?


Yes, they would and they did!

In 1981, Burghy opened to the public as the first Italian owned fast-food, offering a selection of American-style burgers, chicken nuggets and milkshakes.

[Image from rawpixel.com]

The menu was simple but effective: only seven sandwiches were on the original menu, mostly beef patties burgers, a chicken and a fish alternative to complete the offer.

Growing rapidly, in 1985 Burghy had opened 96 restaurants across the whole country, reaping great success within the younger audience.




Valentina F.

Professional Translator || I write about food, fitness, and my experiences.