A kind reminder


Photo by Leslie Saunders on Unsplash

Every day I think of thouse bouquets

And feel pity for their beauty

Their colours, now shaded

Their perfumes, now dissipated

I envy those flowers

For they held hands with them longer than me

Rooting in a field I wish I’ve lived on

Their petals sleeping in the bed with them

Marking a pathway they’ll traverse without me, sooner or later

A cruel reminder about eternity: it’s not for mortals

But through the immortals is how we feel eternal

Forever spinning, unending travel

The road shows clearer the more we use it

The soil grows fertile, the more we nourish it

I shall be buried beneath it’s roses, camellias and jasmines

And in my slumber, I’ll wake others up.



valentino ferriello

With an empty map and a vigorous smile, I venture deep into de kaleidoscope, being mesmerized by the vibrant colours. Nothing to lose, nothing to fear.