The toil of creation

valentino ferriello
1 min readApr 19, 2024


Image by Greg Rakozy on

The pencil spins at the beat of a scrambled mind

Innumerable images mix together

Creative homunculi are formed

And I search for synonyms for words I don’t know

Like a mortal playing God

I am especially clumsy giving birth to imperfect worlds

And even worse creating purity

Thus, like a cryptic creature

Many assure finding it, many more deny it’s existence

And still, there it is

Watching from afar, breathing in my hindhead

Waiting to be chased in the fog and leave me lost again

And so I give up, leaving the page blank

And the world begging to be shown.

¡Thank you so much for reading this piece! If you liked it, make sure to follow my account (¡I’ll even follow back and check you awesome works too!) You can also leave a like to tell me you liked this ;)

If you may, I’ll forever love seeing your name along a small contribution in You’ll inspire me to keep going, ¡and I’ll be happier than ever to get better just for you!

Have a beautiful day, beautiful soul. See you in the Kaleidoscope ❤.



valentino ferriello

With an empty map and a vigorous smile, I venture deep into de kaleidoscope, being mesmerized by the vibrant colours. Nothing to lose, nothing to fear.