Turning Translation into Fun: How I Created a Game to Help People Learn Sign Language

4 min readMay 31, 2024


In a world where communication barriers can limit opportunities and connections, I felt compelled to create a tool that could bridge the gap for the deaf and hard of hearing community. Initially, my goal was to develop a translator, an application that could instantly convert spoken words into sign language. But as I delved deeper, I realized that to truly make a difference, I needed to go beyond translation. I needed to foster understanding, engagement, and a bit of fun. And that’s how my journey from a simple translator to an interactive game began.

The Beginning: A Translator’s Vision

My initial project was straightforward: a real-time sign language translator. The idea was to leverage the latest advancements in AI and machine learning to recognize spoken words and translate them into American Sign Language (ASL) gestures. I spent countless hours researching and developing the core algorithm, training it with thousands of data points to ensure accuracy and fluidity.

However, as I tested the prototype with users, I noticed something crucial. While the translator was technically effective, it lacked a key element: user engagement. People who weren’t already familiar with sign language found the tool fascinating but not particularly educational. It was a passive experience, and learning a new language requires active participation.

The Epiphany: From Translator to Teacher

Realizing this gap was a turning point. I needed to transform the passive experience into an active learning journey. That’s when the concept of gamification struck me. Gamification, the use of game design elements in non-game contexts, could make learning sign language not only effective but also enjoyable. By turning the learning process into a game, I could engage users in a way that a simple translator never could.

Building the Game: Learning Through Play

The transition from translator to game wasn’t easy, but it was incredibly rewarding. I designed the game with a single level that focuses on learning the ASL alphabet using the camera kit of iOS devices to scan hand poses.

Key Features of the Game

1. Interactive Alphabet Learning : The game introduces the ASL alphabet, guiding users through each letter with visual aids and instructions. Users learn the correct hand poses for each letter, starting with A and progressing through to Z.

2. Camera-Based Feedback : Leveraging the powerful camera kit of iOS devices, the game scans the user’s hand poses in real-time. This feature ensures that users practice accurately, providing instant feedback to correct mistakes and reinforce proper technique.

3. Engaging Challenges : The game incorporates fun challenges that require users to sign specific letters or sequences. These challenges help reinforce learning and make the process interactive and enjoyable.

4. Progress Tracking : Users can track their progress as they master each letter of the alphabet. The game offers visual indicators of proficiency, encouraging continuous improvement.

5. Rewards and Motivations : To keep users motivated, the game includes a reward system. As users correctly sign letters, they earn points and unlock achievements, making the learning experience rewarding and fun.

Testing and Feedback: A Collaborative Effort

Currently, the game has been released on TestFlight and is being tested by a group of dedicated colleagues. Their feedback has been invaluable, offering insights into usability, engagement, and educational effectiveness. Testing with colleagues has allowed me to refine the game’s features and ensure that it provides an optimal learning experience.

Insights from Colleagues

  • User Engagement: Colleagues found the interactive and real-time feedback features particularly engaging, as they provided a clear and immediate sense of progress.
    - Educational Value: The structured approach to learning the ASL alphabet, combined with the gamified elements, made the educational process enjoyable and effective.
    - Technical Performance: The feedback helped identify areas where the camera-based hand pose recognition could be improved, ensuring greater accuracy and smoother user experience.

The Impact: Making a Difference

Seeing the impact of the game, even in its testing phase, has been the most rewarding part of this journey. Colleagues have shared their experiences, telling me how the game has not only helped them learn the ASL alphabet but also made the process enjoyable. This initial feedback reinforces my belief in the potential of this game to make a significant difference in the way people learn and engage with sign language.

Why I Care: The Heart of the Movement

For me, this project is more than just a game; it’s a movement. I’ve always believed that communication is a fundamental human right. By creating this game, I aim to break down the barriers that isolate the deaf and hard of hearing community, fostering a world where everyone can communicate freely and effectively.

I care deeply about this movement because I’ve seen the challenges that come with communication barriers. Whether it’s in personal relationships, education, or professional settings, the ability to communicate can significantly impact one’s quality of life. By making learning sign language fun and accessible, I hope to inspire more people to take up this beautiful language and create a more inclusive world.

Join the Journey

I invite you all to join me on this journey. Whether you’re learning sign language for the first time or looking to improve your skills, this game is for you. Together, we can make a difference, one sign at a time.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Let’s continue to learn, grow, and break down barriers — together.

Behind the Scenes: Key Components of the Source Code

Creating an engaging and educational game to teach sign language required a blend of cutting-edge technology and thoughtful design. Below, I share some insights into the source code and the key components that make the game work.


