Valerie Kittell
1 min readMay 20, 2024


I feel somewhat fatalistic that to everything there is a season and it is possible that the human season is drawing to a close. I have 2 general reasons for these feelings:

1. We are simply a species like any other and nothing says that we can't be wiped out by a bacteria or a parasite or a virus just like any other plant or animal. particularly when we have human geniuses who indulge their idiotic capacity for behavior like gain of function experiments. Add to this the creation of Frankenstein AI scenarios, and Bob's your uncle for the end of the human era.

2. See 1. I read a quote the other day from a scientist who opined that human technology had outpaced human wisdom, with predictable outcomes - all bad.

So, as happens in Slaughterhouse Five, the Tralfalmadorian test pilot always suits up, because nothing can ever prevent it.



Valerie Kittell

Slightly grumpy New Englander. Opinion and essays here on Medium, my short stories can be read at without any subscription