Valerie Sprague
1 min readOct 8, 2016


Ha, this was funny!

“I’m not a greedy woman. I don’t need to be ‘rich’ — I just need to not work.”

Yeah, satire, uh…right? However, the problem is being beholden to someone else’s fickle generosity instead of being an equal, especially contingent on something that can’t be controlled, like “being under 30.”

No thanks; I actually like to work. I’d rather support my hot, funny husband that cooks me dinner than have to suck up to some imperious rich guy for a roof over my melon. (He’d rather cook than work. I’m not interested in cooking. Cool.)

But I was raised by a stay-at-home dad, so I don’t think managing a household is a feminine role by default.



Valerie Sprague

I help brands program and manage social networks and gee, my hair smells terrific