How to Capture Leads Smarter With Your Sales CRM

Valeriia Chemerys
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


From lead capture forms to automated importing, one of the most vital functions of your CRM is role of intuitive lead gathering

What is lead capturing and what problems can it solve?

At its most basic level lead capture describes the process of gathering information on potential leads.

One of the most popular and rewarding processes for lead capturing, using a Sales CRM, are through the use of landing pages and website forms situated on a company capture page.

By gathering information in exchange for free content — such as newsletters or webinar invitations — the sales team can automatically gather lead information; names, email addresses and phone numbers. There is also the possibility to gather more specialised information, such as industry type, company size, title of lead, postal address, etc. However, many sales teams prefer to keep this to a minimum during the first contact, in order not to oversell and scare the lead.

With Teamgate Sales CRM information on leads gathered is entered automatically into the CRM software ready for the salespeople to commence the selling process immediately and seamlessly.

Specific industries may also be targeted using individually designed landing pages. In conjunction with social media and other online outlets marketing campaigns can be tailor-made with a definitive set of rules and a definitive set of targets.

How to capture new leads

  • Landing Pages — With ready to go landing pages, Teamgate can have you lead capturing in no time. Simply add a landing page to your company website, issue authorisation and watch the leads roll in. With a comprehensive range of purpose-built landing page templates Teamgate also offers you the ability to customise these pages as you see fit.
  • WordPress template forms — With absolutely no knowledge of programming or technical web skills you can automate your lead capture process within Teamgate Sales CRM using WordPress and your company website. Using its direct integration function WordPress/Teamgate lead capture forms can collect and store all visitor data, leading to more leads, contacts and deals. It is an enormously user-friendly function designed with intelligence and simplicity.

Read the rest of the article HERE at Teamgate Blog.

Originally published at on February 20, 2018.



Valeriia Chemerys

📌Writing about sales and CRM. Interested in entrepreneurship, tech and design. Read more at