Blockchain MeetUp in Moscow

Valeriya —
2 min readSep 16, 2017


Yesterday, I attended the Blockchain MeetUp in Moscow (IBCG (Moscow Blockchain Community). The theme was “Blockchain in the media.” The CEOs of the well-known Russian blockchain-media Forklog, Coinfox and BitNovosti, made presentations before the representatives of various ICO projects. Longtime friends of KrioRus, Aleksey and Zamir were also in attendance, along with the talented marketer Lev Leiman who introduced himself and presented his own project: IdeaList. Aleksey, Zamir and I, were there to represent the project CRYOGEN. A good time was had by all. The meeting was most productive.



Valeriya —

CEO CryoGen, General Director of cryonics company “KrioRus”. Transhumanist, futurologist, publicist, physicist.