3 key takeaways from learning how to design for voice

Vale Melvin Querini
4 min readMay 2, 2019

I recently took the course on VUI (voice user interface) design offered by CareerFoundry. I did so while simultaneously working full time and it took me around two months to obtain the certification. During this time I consumed a lot of learning material, completed many exercises, had Skype calls with my mentor and connected with the rest of the community on Slack. It was an intense and gratifying experience.

As a way to reflect on the newly gained knowledge, I decided to summarize my key takeaways and share them here.

If you are considering learning VUI design, I hope my experience will inspire you and help you understand what you are getting into.

1 - If you have designed experiences before, some things are going to stay the same

As someone who has already been working as a user experience designer, I was not surprised that the UX process doesn’t really differ when you are designing for voice. After all, voice is just another technology to which we can apply the same kind of thinking we excel at as designers.

Humans should always be at the center of everything we create, and VUI design is no exception. It all starts with understanding the context, framing the problem and doing user research.



Vale Melvin Querini

Strategic UX Consultant, Inclusive Design educator and Experience Designer — They/them