Pylon x Valkyrie Protocol Campaign Introduction

Valkyrie Protocol
4 min readNov 6, 2021


Fellow Valkyrians! We would like to introduce you to Valkyrie’s second campaign! Valkyrie will launch another “Share to Earn” event with Pylon Protocol. This highly anticipated campaign will introduce Pylon Protocol’s flagship product — the Pylon Pools.

The total campaign reward pool will be announced shortly, so we encourage users to prepare $MINE and $VKR to participate and share in this exciting “Share to Earn” event!

Please see below for further details. As always, the Valkyrie team is ready to answer any questions regarding the campaign.

Campaign Summary

Date & Time

Start : 2nd week of November (exact date will be disclosed shortly)
End: The event will be completed once the reward pool is depleted.

Total available rewards: Appx $180,000 UST (equivalent $MINE + $VKR)

  • Participation Reward: 1,500,000 $MINE
  • Referral/Sharing Reward: 44,000 $VKR
  • Lock-up period for Participation/Sharing Reward distribution: 1 week

Campaign Participation Criteria: Here are some conditions outlining participation eligibility

Participation Condition: Add 200 UST* equivalent to $MINE Pylon Pool 1
(18 month vesting)
*New 200 UST only. Existing UST in the pool will not be eligible for the campaign

  • Campaign deposit: 50 $VKR (A campaign deposit of $VKR will need to be deposited to participate in the campaign. It will be fully refunded back after the lock up period below)
  • Campaign deposit lock up period: 2 weeks
  • Wallet status: 500 $MINE Staker (you must have at least 500 $MINE taked onto governance to be eligible for the campaign)
  • Base referral/sharing cap: 80 $VKR

Campaign Detail

Campaign Objective

  • Introduce Pylon Pools to the Terra Community

Reward Conditions — Exact Rewards will be disclosed prior to event

  • Participation Reward: 100 $MINE upon Participation
  • Referral/Sharing Reward: [32 $VKR*, 8 $VKR**]
    *Receive 32 $VKR for every 1st level referral that successfully participates
    **Receive 8 $VKR for every 2nd level referral that successfully participates (2nd level is a referral’s referral)

More details on reward scheme here

Other Important Notices:

  • Participation is limited to one time per wallet.
  • Sharing rewards are limited to 2 layers of referrals. Referrals for level three and beyond will not accrue rewards.
  • Reward claims can be made one week after receiving a reward.
  • Participation criteria (below) must be fulfilled for eligibility to this event. If the prerequisites are not met, participation will not be possible.

Participation & Sharing/Referral Criteria

Please ensure you meet all event criteria, as rewards will not be distributed to non-eligible wallets.

$VKR Deposit

To successfully participate in this “Share to Earn” event, users will need to deposit $VKR (the exact amount will be announced at launch). The initial $VKR deposit will be returned to the user after 14 days.

  • All $VKR deposits used for the event will be returned in full after 14 days
  • $VKR deposits are a measure taken to discourage users from manipulating wallets and prevent other forms of wallet abuse

Further Participation Details

All wallets must meet the campaign criteria to become eligible for participation. The participation criteria will be disclosed prior to the opening of the event.

  • The delayed disclosure of participation requirements is to minimize bad behavior and wallet abuse.
  • Valkyrie Protocol has been developed with the supporting community in mind. We are working hard to ensure that wallet abuse behavior is minimized and participation is fair for all participants

Referral/Sharing Reward Cap

Please be advised that there are referral/sharing reward caps in the “Share to Earn” event. The referral/sharing reward cap is set to 80 $VKR. As a default, maximum rewards calculated as [x+y] x 2. This is a soft limit and can be increased.

To increase referral reward caps, a user can stake $VKR onto governance. The increase in limit is directly proportional to the amount of $VKR staked. In this campaign, there will be a 30% increase of total $VKR staked in governance.

  • Referral reward caps are intentionally set to minimize wallet abuse behavior and protect the interest of the supporting community
  • Rewards accrued beyond the referral reward cap will not be distributed, so please ensure you have sufficient capacity on maximum token allowance.

How to Participate & Share Referrals

How to Participate: A simple walkthrough

1) Valkyrie WebApp

a) User comes to the Valkyrie WebApp

b) Confirm and check Campaign

c) Verify if wallet meets criteria

  • wallet status — does it meet the wallet status condition?
  • deposit — does it have enough $VKR to participate?

d) Proceed to Pylon WebApp from the Campaign site (there will be a ‘Participate’ button to lead to the Pylon WebApp

e) Participate in Pylon Pool

  • Deposit $200 UST onto Pylon Pool 1 ($MINE 18-mos vesting)
  • Deposit 50 $VKR

f) Receive Participation Reward

g) Verify Participation Reward on Valkyrie WebApp

h) Check the auto-generated Sharing Link

i) Share to friends and community on any medium (messages, twitter, telegram etc.)

j) Raise Reward Cap with more $VKR staked onto Valkyrie Governance

k) Claim reward on Campaign tab after lock up period

l) Claim deposit on Campaign tab after Deposit lock up

Direct Pylon Pool (same as (d) above)

a) Participate in Pylon Pool

  • Deposit $200 UST onto Pylon Pool 1 ($MINE 18-mos vesting)
  • Deposit 50 $VKR

b) Receive Participation Reward

c) Verify Participation Reward on Valkyrie WebApp

d) Check the auto-generated Sharing Link

e) Share to friends and community on any medium (messages, twitter, telegram etc.)

f) Raise Reward Cap with more $VKR staked onto Valkyrie Governance

g) Claim reward on Campaign tab after lock up period

h) Claim deposit on Campaign tab after Deposit lock up


Once you successfully participate, a referral link will be generated on the Campaign page of the Valkyrie Webapp so that you can share with your community. For rewards to accrue, your referral must use your referral link and successfully participate in the campaign. Please ensure that your referral also meets the campaign criteria so that you’ll be properly rewarded for your referral!

About Valkyrie Protocol




