Grab app redesign — Keep it simple, see the growth

Val Lay
4 min readMay 30, 2019


The Task:

Redesigning the Driver app for Food, with an additional feature for Grab Express drivers coming onboard, in the same app.

Upon receiving the brief, I was quick to hop on the empathy train and putting myself as a user of the Grab Driver’s app almost immediately.

However, after having some time to analyse the brief a couple more times, I took a step back to consider my approach as a whole — also considering business goals — growth. User needs are important. So is striking the balance from the business perspective and technology.

Therefore, I approached this exercise with these factors in mind.

According to this table, ways to measure this in UX Metrics include Task Completion Rate.

Thought process

  • Analyse current design of driver app
  • Asking questions — what are some current painpoints of the existing app? Even before adding on the new GrabExpress service? Is the current design of the app well-received/sufficient? What is the task completion rate for new users and current users?
  • Do research. This came in handy as I yet to have a good understanding about how the actual app runs (behaviours etc.)
Current design of Grab driver app


Limited info on user contextual knowledge in the brief, which I felt is strongly important for a redesign process

Hence, I visited the App/Play store to take a look some at the feedback and comments of the GrabFood driver app to get a brief idea of how the users are reacting towards it.

Lack of sound notifications major painpoint for GrabFood drivers


In addition, I also created a mindmap of contextual analysis of GrabFood drivers which includes considerations and assumptions.

Along with some rough sketches and writing down any thoughts as I analysed the current design.

From there, I listed down certain points that will help in my redesign process

1. Call to Action buttons to be clear

2. Copy must be succinct: Declutter current design by showing only what drivers needs to see

Hence, my approach was to redesign and declutter the driver app as a whole, to suit the future services Grab may add onboard. This was done by restructuring the information architecture presented on the page.

Additional features: With the recent added service of GrabExpress Beta, I also added in an option for drivers to choose their preferences on the type of job they wish to pick up.

Redesigned screens: Scenario

Driver receives a GrabFood job card upon an order, picks up and delivers to doorstep, followed by switching to GrabExpress.

01 From receiving job card & pick-up journey.

  • Driver can see type of job stated + corresponding icon for its service
  • Clarity: guaranteed commission + total estimated trip time collated for driver
  • Trip timings presented in timeline form
  • Driver has to swipe to accept/decline job, instead of tapping which may cause accidental actions.
  • Additional: sound notification + single vibration for GrabFood orders
  • Live update and indication of good/bad/fair traffic

02 Arrival at pick-up and collection

  • Check items: User is only able to proceed when all items are checked
  • Distinct order numbers: GrabFood listings to start with 8 and parcel to start with 5. Or GrabFood F123654, GrabExpress orders E366438 etc. #justasuggestion

03 Start pick-up & journey

04 Completing a delivery.

05 Going online and switching jobs

  • Before going online to take on next job, driver has to pick job preference as seen in the pop-up modal. Driver is given option to save preferences as default (can be changed when offline)
  • Jobs in higher demand are marked in red to help the business cope with its demands better and help drivers to receive jobs faster.
  • Last screen: GrabExpress job being presented the same format as a GrabFood order. + different sound notification as GrabFood

In summary

  • By restructuring the information architecture, the same design layout and format can be used for different services offered by Grab, hence optimized for a single app
  • Give the user clarity by only showing them what they need to see at each point of the journey, esp for our drivers! #safetyisimportant
  • This will result in likelihood of signing, higher conversion rates and faster + more efficient task completion rates leading to business growth.
Image grabbed from Grab Indonesia’s website. Credit:

