5 Systems Every Virtual Assistance Business NEEDS!


Let me start by stating that I. LOVE. SYSTEMS!

They’re the backbone of my Virtual Assistant business, and I highly recommend that you put some in place (if you haven’t already) because systems will help keep you organized, prepared, and efficient.

If you need more reasons to love systems, know that they will help you streamline your business, scale your workload, and keep you from becoming overwhelmed with obligations. Plus, it will become easier to manage your business if everything’s connected to a well-run system.

Having the right systems could be the difference between a struggling VA business and a successful one, so you shouldn’t wait to get those systems in place.

To help you get started, here are some of the systems that you ABSOLUTELY need to include in your business.

Onboarding System

When you onboard a client, you’re giving them the first impression of your business. Therefore, your onboarding system must be organized, streamlined, and be easy for the clients to use.

It also needs to answer their questions, as well as questions they may not have considered. That way, they can make an informed decision about your business and its practices.

Having an onboarding system is also helpful with:

  • setting boundaries
  • defining expectations
  • discussing outcomes
  • planning ahead
  • asking for feedback

These are crucial bits of information that you need to establish before the job begins. If you wait to set these things in place, they could hinder your ability to satisfy the client’s needs, not to mention what they’d do to the deadlines! Imagine having to pause a job to establish what the client expects of you. Yeah, that’s not a good look.

Instead, make sure you have an onboarding system that deals with everything upfront. That way, you’ll be free to enjoy the job with the knowledge that it’s all in order.

Offboarding System

Similarly, your offboarding process needs to be smooth and hassle-free. It’s the last impression a client gets from your business, and it can be the difference between a one-time client and a legacy client.

Offboarding is your chance to say goodbye to your client and leave them on a positive note. Use this time to reaffirm their purchase, thank them for their business, and offer your services to them in the future.

Other reasons to have an offboarding system include:

  • reducing the risk of misunderstandings
  • creating networking opportunities
  • gaining referrals and reviews
  • closing tasks and disposing of data
  • gaining information about your ideal clients
  • gathering feedback for future collaborations
  • keeping track of which clients have left and which ones remain

A smooth offboarding system will not only leave the client feeling satisfied with you and your work, but it will keep you in their minds for future work. And that, my friends, is how you create a repeat (or legacy) client.

Both onboarding and offboarding systems will help you bring in clients, and the best part is that you can automate them for ease and efficiency. There are tons of apps and websites created for exactly this reason, so you’re sure to find one that suits your needs.

Client Management System

If you work with clients, you’re going to need a way to manage them. The easiest way to do that is by creating a client management system.

Client management systems are the hubs of the VA world. They help keep you organized by providing a central location for things like:

  • Client messages and communications
  • Tasks and deadlines
  • Relevant job information
  • Tools, like Zoom or DropBox
  • Status updates
  • Client complaints or questions
  • New clients
  • Completed assignments
  • Team input
  • Policies and procedures
  • Boundaries and roles
  • Invoices and payments
  • And a variety of other services as well

Your business won’t survive without a decent client management system, which is why I’ve devoted an entire article to my favorite ones. Inside, you’ll find a list of my favorite client management systems, why they’re awesome, and how to choose one to suit your business. Take a look.

Client management systems are the hub of my business, and they will allow you to give your clients the best care possible while still maintaining a full workload. Try a few from my list, or search around for your own, but make sure they have everything you need before signing up- including customization, reliable communication channels, and full automation.

Task Management System

Like your clients, you will also need a system to manage your tasks. I’m talking about everything from your day-to-day tasks to your current client projects and everything in between. However, a task management system can do more than keep you on track. It also keeps you aware of:

  • Which tools you’re using for which task
  • If the client has access to your work
  • Your current workload
  • If you can take on new projects
  • Your billable hours
  • Deadlines and reports
  • Task assignments (if you work with a team)
  • Business tasks and follow-ups
  • And more

And yes, your task management system will probably overlap with your client management system, but they are two different things that can make a world of difference in your business life. Besides, if they begin overlapping too much, you might be able to get away with compiling them into a single system. Honestly, though, it’s worth having the two of them separated.

Oh, and did I mention that you can automate your task management system? Because you can.

Lead Management System

Finally, let’s talk about lead management systems. Leads are how you find your clients, so you must have a system in place to make the hunt as easy as possible. For example, a lead management system can help you:

  • know who your ideal clients are
  • learn how to reach them
  • create a hook for your discovery call
  • keep track of onboarding
  • remind you of follow-ups
  • create questionnaires and other forms
  • offer answers to some FAQs
  • keep track of your sales pitch
  • etc.

Lead management is more than organizing emails- it’s how you find, hook, and draw in your clients. Having a fully functional (and automated) lead management system will boost your business without the stress of searching for clients. Instead, the clients will come to you!

And, as busy as we tend to be, the less work we can do to find clients, the better.

These five systems alone will take your Virtual Assistant business to a new level. Not only will they keep you organized, but they’ll also keep your caseload in check, keep your boundaries in place, and help you communicate with your clients. They’re an invaluable part of every business, but VAs can benefit the most from a well-placed system, and most of them are easy to implement and have little-to-no adjustment periods.

Plus, you can automate them. Trust me when I say that automating your systems will take a huge weight off your shoulders. You won’t have to spend as much time sweating the small stuff, and that will leave more time for creating quality work and enjoying the VA business that you’ve worked so hard to create.

I firmly believe that systems are the foundation of every VA business around, and it’s time to add your business to the list. Get some systems in place today.

