Should You Get A Biometric Door Access System For Your Business?

Valsys Technologies
2 min readJan 6, 2022


Through the years, more and more business owners install a biometric door system. Here are the reasons why you should consider having one, too.

Each year, countless innovations surface to make the world a better place. Every area and industry grows and improves, including office security. Numerous experts saw how crucial it is to keep employees safe while performing their duties, which led to different security system elements in Singapore.

One of these brilliant innovations is the biometric door access system. It uses the employee’s physiological features to let them in and out of the company. If you are still on the fence about having one installed in your office, perhaps the following perks of using a biometric door lock could help you make a decision:


Usually, employees need to wait for the key holder to enter their workplace and report to their duties. Missing keys are also a problem for organisations. Thankfully, you could have a door access system installed in your Singapore office to prevent these mishaps that have a massive impact on your operations.


Biometric systems are challenging to override. Unauthorised personnel cannot use the fingerprint of employees to enter your workplace. You could even pair it with an Internet Protocol or IP camera from Singapore for added protection.


Reporting to work is smooth and painless with a biometric door access system. You and your employees will only have to place a finger or an eye on the scanner to enter the office. You could also show your face in front of a camera to let yourself in if you choose to have a facial recognition system.


Getting a door access system in Singapore may seem like a hefty expense, but it will help you save money in the long run. Aside from avoiding lost items in the office, you could also save on key duplication and doorknob replacements with this security innovation.

If you think your organisation could benefit from a biometric door access system, you could have Valsys Technologies have one installed in your workplace. Visit their website below to learn more about their security solutions.


