Presearch update on Flux Network

Valter Silva
8 min readJun 29, 2022


Valter Silva

Valter Silva is a Sr. Developer at Zelcore Technologies Inc.

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.”

–Kofi Annan

If you don’t know what Presearch on Flux is, take a moment and check the websites and .

Presearch team anounced recently that on 1st of July all new Pre nodes spawned would required a new staking amount of 4000 Pre (previous was 2000 Pre).

Before and after the announcement we were in talks with Pre team discussing ideas that would make the Pre nodes not only better fit to run on Flux decentralized network but for all Pre node operators and we have wonderful news I think all Pre node operators will be happy with, special those running Pre nodes on Flux network.

Flux network map

I would like say kudos to Presearch team, it’s a pleasure to work with them and have them as the most successful case of Flux marketplace! We have at the time this article was writen 2423 Pre node instances running on Flux network, awesome!

All details below

So what are the updates that will have impact on Flux offer?

1. Supporting “grandfather” pre nodes.

2. Auto staking of pre if one instance goes down and another is spawned.

3. Auto staking of pre on the newly instances spawned on flux network if you have Pre available to stake when you launch Pre dApp on Flux network from marketplace.

4. Better reliability scores.

Supporting “grandfather” pre nodes

Before this Presearch update to have the ability to run a grandfather node you would only work if you had to backup from your Pre node private key that was running before the new collateral enforcement, and you would have to place it on a new node running. Learn more about it here:
After this update that is no longer the only way. As long as you don’t manually unstake from a disconnected Pre node or delete it from Presearch node dashboard, once a new Pre node is launched with a new specific configuration, it will unstake from the old disconnected node and automatic stake on the new launched and will be able to run with the old previous stake requirements. If you are currently running a Pre node dApp on Flux network you need to update your dApp according to what will be explained below on how to update the dApp.

Auto staking if one Flux instance goes down and a new one is spawned

One of the things that we got lots of inputs from Flux Pre node costumers was the manualy need of going to Presearch dashboard change the staking when Flux instances went down a new ones were spawned. As Flux is a decentralized network, it is build in a way that if one instance goes down and you have less instances running than those you defined and paid for (on Pre offer on Flux marketplace it is defined 3 instances), a new one is spawned to guarantee you have no point of failures and a true decentralized application running. With this new update on Presearch you no longer need to worry about going to Pre dashboard if it happens as staking will move automaticly to new instances spawned.

Auto staking of pre on the newly instances spawned on flux network if you have Pre available to stake when you launch Pre dApp on Flux network from marketplace

Before 1st of July if you have 6000 Pre unstaked on your Pre dashboard, and you go to Flux Marketplace and spawn a Pre dApp, once the instances are spawned, if you get 3 instances running, each one will automaticly stake 2000 Pre. After 1st of July the same will work if you have 12000 Pre unstake. If you only have the Pre available to stake on one instance it will stake on one and the other instances will be running with 0 Pre staked, if you add Pre to your account you will have to manualy add tho running instaces the stake that you want.

Better Reliability Scores

This was also one of the things brought to our attention as Pre nodes running on Flux network were getting low reliability scores because of high latency they weren’t spawned in the USA. Presearch went mainnet recently and with that update they added more regional gateways. The reliability scores should now be better on all Flux network. Maybe in the future we can also see Pre gateways running truly decentralized and globaly on Flux network, I would love that!

When Will the Changes go Online

Presearch team will update their app between today and tomorrow, but FluxOs changes are already live.

How to run a Pre node on Flux network

1- Open your Zelcore multi asset crypto wallet platform and login in your account. Don’t know Zelcore?

2- Open your browser and go to FluxOS network website.

3- Press Zelcore ZelId icon on FluxOs network website. It will open Zelcore with a message to sign. Sign it on Zelcore. Open the browser again and you will be already logged in. If pressing Zelcore ZelId icon doesn’t open your Zelcore wallet with the message to sign you can sign it manualy on Zelcore ZelId app on apps section.

4- Press Marketplace on FluxOs and select the Presearch Node App. Running a Presearch Node dApp on Flux network costs 1 Flux ($0.43 / 0.42€ at the time this article was written) on first month and the renew for 30 more days is less then 0.5 Flux. And you will get 3 instances of Pre nodes.

5- Open on another tab on your browser the Presearch node page, login on your account and press Node Explorer.

6- Copy your Pre Node registration key from pre node dashboard.

7- Insert your copied node key on FluxOs marketplace Registration_Code value field.

8- Scroll down and press Start Launching Marketplace App button and follow the flow until you paid for you dApp host.

9- Once you have paid and pressed finish, wait few minutes (5 to 10, remember this use blockchain, your payment transaction needs to be mined and your app message needs to be propagated on the Flux network) and press Apps -> Global Aplications ->My apps tab and you should see your app.

And that’s it, you should now see your your Pre node instances running on Flux network on Pre nodes dashboard website.
If you press expand on table row you will see where are your Pre instances are spawned.
If you see several instances spawned on FluxOs and you don’t see any instance on Pre node dashboard most probably Pre Gateways are not acception connections from your nodes requiring to use a new Pre Node registration key. You can confirm that pressing visit Flux Node of one of your instances, login on that FluxOs instance with ZelId, Press Apps, Local Apps, My Local apps Tab, Press Manage button and check logs. We will explain below how to update a App on Flux Network.

Example of a Pre Node app log not showing on Pre Node dashboard because of the node Registration key

How to update a Pre node on Flux network

Updating a app on FluxOs does two things, you can adjust app settings and you will get your app renewed to run on the network for 30 days from the update payment. (In future we will allow to spawn and renew for longer time, shhhh don’t tell anyone it’s our secret!).

So how to update a app/renew to run 30 more days on Flux network?

1- Open your Zelcore multi asset crypto wallet platform and login in your account.

2- Open your browser and go to FluxOS network website.

3- Press Zelcore ZelId icon on FluxOs network website. It will open Zelcore with a message to sign. Sign it on Zelcore. Open the browser again and you will be already logged in. If pressing Zelcore ZelId icon doesn’t open your Zelcore wallet with the message to sign you can sign it manualy on Zelcore ZelId app on apps section.

4- Press Apps -> Global Aplications ->My apps tab and you should see your app.

5- Press Manage and Update Specifications.

You can scroll down and you will see the environment variables of your app where is your node key. If you are updating a old version of the app running on the network this is where you will have to introduce changes to have your Pre node working with the new changes announced.

Examples of a Environment value for a old Pre Node App running on flux Os:

What you will need to put before updating the app (don’t use other values as this were defined together with Presearch team):

This is also where you can put a new pre node registration key instead of testregistration.

Attention, copy from medium will change the “ character, you will have to replace it with correct “ character.

6- Press Compute update Message, scroll down again, Sign with Zelcore, after signed, press Update Flux App, scroll down again, pay with Zelcore!

7- After you have paid the app update, it will take few minutes (wait 5 to 10) for you to see on Global Apps, my global apps tab the information updated. Thats it and you will have your app updated and running for another 30 days on Flux network.

That’s it from today, hope you guys have liked this article!

Valter/Cabecinha84 (Zelcore/Flux Developer)

Learn more about Flux here: and

Lean more about Presearch here: and

