Collatz Conjecture: A Mathematical Challenge

Ganesh Valtule
3 min readAug 14, 2023



In the realm of mathematics, unsolved problems have always captivated the minds of scholars and enthusiasts alike. The Collatz Conjecture, commonly referred to as the 3n + 1 problem or the Syracuse sequence, is one such intriguing puzzle that has endured over time. Proposed by the German mathematician Lothar Collatz in 1937, this simple yet elusive conjecture has been the subject of intense investigation for decades. This blog explores the mysterious Collatz Conjecture and its efforts to unravel its mysteries through a mathematical voyage.

Conjecture Statement

The Collatz Conjecture, which can be stated as follows, is a deceptively straightforward theory. Pick any positive integer ’n’ to start with. ’n’ should be divided by two if it is even, and by three and one when it is odd. It is said that no matter the initial value if this method is repeated repeatedly with the generated numbers, the series will ultimately reach cycles {4, 2, 1} and continue in an infinite loop. The conjecture claims that the series will eventually arrive at the cycle of 4, 2, 1 for any positive number ‘n’.

Illustrating the Collatz Sequence

  1. Starting with n = 6:

6 → 3 → 10 → 5 → 16 → 8 → 4 → 2 → 1

2. Starting with n = 11:

11 → 34 → 17 → 52 → 26 → 13 → 40 → 20 → 10 → 5 → 16 → 8 → 4 → 2 → 1

The preceding cases appear to corroborate the hypothesis. Despite considerable computer verification across a wide range of values (up to 260), the Collatz Conjecture remains unproven for all positive integers.

Persistence of the Mystery

The Collatz Conjecture is one of the simplest problems in mathematics to formulate, but it has puzzled mathematicians for decades. Several attempts have been made to confirm or reject the notion, but all have failed.

Some noteworthy characteristics and patterns in the Collatz sequence have been observed, which may provide clues to the proof of the conjecture. For example, it is well known that the sequence formed by any ’n’ is eventually reduced to an even number, after which it repeats. Despite these findings, a full explanation explaining the behavior of all numbers in the sequence has yet to be discovered.

Paul Erdős, a Hungarian Mathematician of the 20th century once said that “Mathematics is not yet ripe enough for such questions.”

Computational Approaches and Complexity

Given the computational ease of producing Collatz sequences, many mathematicians have turned to computers to further investigate the conjecture. Numerous computer studies have been carried out to investigate the behavior of numbers within the sequence. These searches have strengthened the trust in the veracity of the idea but have not yet offered conclusive proof.

The Collatz Conjecture is inextricably tied to the study of exponential Diophantine equations because numbers in the series might grow exponentially before dropping. This makes it a difficult problem to solve because it requires understanding the complicated properties of the numbers involved.

Here is the Python function for calculating Collatz Conjecture:

def collatz(n):
while n > 1:
print(n, end=' ')
if (n % 2):
# n is odd
n = 3*n + 1
# n is even
n = n//2
print(1, end='')

Collatz Conjecture and Unsolved Mysteries

The Collatz Conjecture is part of an intriguing domain of unsolved mathematical problems that continue to excite scientists and researchers. The hunt for an answer to this conundrum has resulted in the creation of new mathematical approaches and the research of adjacent topics.


The Collatz Conjecture, a seemingly straightforward hypothesis with an intricate and elusive nature, has been an enduring puzzle for mathematicians for nearly a century. Despite the lack of definitive proof, the beauty of this conjecture lies in its simplicity, generating curiosity and challenging mathematicians to unravel its mysteries.

As we continue on our mathematical adventure, keep in mind that unresolved issues like the Collatz Conjecture not only challenge the bounds of human knowledge but also serve as a monument to the complexity and depth of the mathematical world that surrounds us. While the Collatz Conjecture remains unsolved, the endeavor of comprehending it serves as a reminder of human inquiry’s limitless potential.

