A Boring Dystopia Video Game

Dystopian Video games have always been popular, but never before have they been so… real.

Vibrant Jellyfilsh
3 min readJul 24, 2024

I noticed a video game recently that was giving off strong ‘a boring dystopia’ vibes. It left me both baffled and mildly horrified.

When I was young, video games that featured dystopias usually went all out with scary zombies, terrifying robot takeovers, or gritty post-nuclear apocalypse survival scenarios. These games were designed to keep you on the edge of your seat.

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But this new game? It’s a whole different kind of dystopia, and honestly, it’s a bit too close to reality for comfort.

In this game, your objective is to live for free at IKEA without getting kicked out by the employees. Yes, you read that right. You build forts, find food, and try to survive in the fluorescent-lit aisles of a giant furniture store. And when the lights turn off (suddenly without warning) and a voice booms over the loud speaker “the store is now closed” and my heart skips a beat. This is where the real challenge begins.

Barely able to make out the beds and chairs and toy area, I try to avoid detection from the roaming employee’s, find my way back to my base in the dark, (why oh why did I leave the relative safety of my stacked bookshelves and beds?). I glimpse a…

