Confessions of a Draft Hoarder

I am a certified, grade-A draft hoarder.

Vibrant Jellyfilsh
4 min readJul 8, 2024

Seriously, I never delete any of my writing drafts. Ever. They just sit there, indefinitely, in my dusty draft folder, gathering digital cobwebs.

Why you ask, why???
Because I might use them one day. Maybe. Possibly. Who knows?

I can’t bring myself to throw them away. It’s like each draft, no matter how terrible, holds some kind of value. Not like monetary value, no-one would read most of them, If I published them now I’d lose followers, I know that, but maybe, just maybe they have a line or two in them that I could reuse in another article, like I used to with old bicycle breaks or tires, just pulling the ones off my old bike and putting it on my new bike when I got a puncture.

How will I find the good ones in my ever climbing draft count?

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels:

I don’t know, but that doesn’t mean I should delete them. When I open a draft to see if I should delete it and see some brilliant idea at 2 a.m. and that has one entire paragraph written before falling asleep. and I can’t remember what the point was, or where I was going with that.

I can’t throw that away, what if I remember it? What if I have writers block one day and reading this somewhat nonsensical paragraph is what ignites my…

