“Do It Now,” She Said

Overcoming Procrastination Rooted in Fear

Vibrant Jellyfilsh
3 min readJul 22, 2024
Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/hey-now-phrase-made-of-pink-scrabble-pieces-5939144/

“Do it now,” she said, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

‘You’re right’ I thought to myself. ‘I should stop waiting for the perfect moment and just do it now’

But then I didn’t.

I had been procrastinating for weeks, maybe even months.

I had been procrastinating not because I was waiting for the perfect time, (as I had been telling myself,) but because I was scared of how it would turn out.

The Illusion of the ‘Right Time’

We often tell ourselves that we are waiting for the ‘right time’ to tackle important tasks. It needs to be perfect, and everything needs to align just right. But deep down, this is often just an excuse.

The idea that there will be a better moment to start is a comforting lie we tell ourselves to avoid confronting our fears.

  1. The Myth of Perfection: Believing that there is an ideal time to start is a way to avoid the discomfort of imperfection. We think, “If I wait until I’m fully prepared, it will go perfectly.” This perfectionism paralyzes us, making any action seem daunting.
  2. Fear of Failure: At the core of procrastination is often a fear of failure. We worry about not…

