One Man’s Emotional Journey from Abuse to Justice and Back To Injustice

The True Story Of A Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivor From NSW Australia.

Vibrant Jellyfilsh
5 min readJul 5, 2024

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In 1977, Kevin* (name changed), then a 10-year-old boy, sought refuge from bullying and emotional neglect at home by confiding in his year 5 teacher. She was considered by her students to be the “cool” teacher, and was also a family friend.

What began as a seemingly benevolent relationship soon took a dark turn, as Gaye Grant (the teacher) exploited her position of trust to initiate a pattern of sexual abuse that lasted over a year.

The abuse escalated from inappropriate touching to sexual intercourse, often occurring in Grant’s home and even during school trips.

At the time, as a pre-pubescent boy, Kevin struggled to realize that what was happening was neither normal nor acceptable. It was only after going to high school that he was able to get a better idea of what had been happening and decided to distance himself from her.

School Photo of Gaye Grant

In the Midst of Abuse: Isolation and Fear

