The Problem with Romance Tropes

Too Often They are Just Abuse

Vibrant Jellyfilsh
4 min readJul 10, 2024

If there’s one thing that really bugs me it’s romance tropes that are actually just abuse dressed up in glitter and hearts.

photo edited from Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels:

Seriously, how have we not collectively agreed to call out this toxic nonsense for what it is? I’m talking about the classic “bad boy” who treats everyone like garbage but is somehow redeemed by the love of a good woman. Or the “alpha male” who’s possessive and controlling, but it’s okay because he’s just being protective. Give me a break.

Take the “bad boy” trope. Oh, he’s so mysterious and brooding! Except, no, he’s just a jerk. He’s rude to everyone, has no respect for boundaries, and somehow this is supposed to be sexy?

The heroine spends the whole story trying to fix him, believing her love will change him. Newsflash: love isn’t a magic wand that transforms abusive behavior. This trope romanticizes the idea that it’s a woman’s job to fix a man, and that’s not just unrealistic — it’s dangerous.

Then there’s the “alpha male” who’s possessive to the point of being suffocating. He decides what she wears, who she talks to, and where she goes. But it’s fine because it’s all in the name of love, right?

Wrong! This is controlling behaviour, plain and simple.

