Why SCP 999 Is The Best SCP!

Vibrant Jellyfilsh
3 min readMar 6, 2023

SCP-999 is popular among SCP Foundation fans.

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/grayscale-photo-of-chair-inside-the-establishment-162389/

The SCP Foundation

The SCP Foundation is a collaborative website that features a (supposedly) imaginary organization that secures, contains, and protects anomalous objects, creatures, and phenomena. The website hosts a collection of (supposedly) fictional documents that describe these anomalous entities and the procedures used to contain them.

The SCP Foundation has become a popular online community with a large and active fan base. The website is maintained by volunteers who create and edit content, and there is a strict set of rules and guidelines that govern the creation of SCPs and related content.

SCP objects can range from benign to extremely dangerous, and the stories surrounding them often delve into horror, science fiction, and other genres. The SCP Foundation has inspired a number of spin-off works, including video games, fan fiction, and webcomics.


SCP-999, also known as “The Tickle Monster,” is a Safe-class SCP object in the SCP Foundation universe.

It is described as a small, amorphous, gelatinous creature with a bright orange color and a friendly demeanor. SCP-999 has the ability to emit a kind of “anti-depressant” chemical that can help calm and soothe…

