Writers Are Captivating Medium Readers By Crafting Mini Factual Mystery Novels

From crafting captivating stories to resorting to clickbait, the spectrum of strategies is broad and diverse.

Vibrant Jellyfilsh
3 min readJul 19, 2024
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-sitting-on-carpet-while-reading-a-book-3768715/

Writers employ various tactics to capture readers’ attention. From crafting captivating stories to resorting to clickbait, the spectrum of strategies is broad and diverse. However, one approach that stands out, despite its potential frustrations for some readers, is the crafting of mini factual mystery novels.

This method involves dropping hints, posing questions subtly, and slowly unravelling answers to engage readers and keep them hooked until the final revelation.

While some readers may find this approach frustrating, especially those who prefer straightforward information (hi, that’s me), it undeniably serves as a compelling technique to ensure reader engagement.

The allure of mystery novels lies in their ability to tantalize readers with hints of what’s to come, enticing them to delve deeper into the narrative to uncover the truth. Similarly, by adopting the format of a mystery novel, writers create a sense of anticipation and curiosity that compels readers to read on, even if it means enduring a bit of suspense along the way.

