ValuableCoins Staking Details

1 min readApr 23, 2022


When an individual stakes their VC the initial deposit amount is considered burned and can not be unstaked. The individual will then receive 1.5% a day, until they receive an max payout of 265% which is based upon the amount staked. If an individual stake $6000 worth of VC they would earn $90 a day with a max roi of $15,900. It will take approximately 67 days for the individual to receive their initial deposit amount back. Once the 67 days is up anything that individual earns is pure profit. All payouts happen in VC tokens and VC tokenomics support price appreciation over time. This means that if VC appreciates in value your roi in USD is higher. There will only be 60,100 VC tokens ever created and no more will ever be minted. However, there will be tokens set aside to pay out stakers and on top of that there is tokenomics built into the token to support stakers as well.

