The Power of a Strong Online Presence in Elevating Life Experience

5 min readJan 3, 2024


STAR Marketer Challenge Day 3

Everything can be online, but not everything can survive online.

Yesterday we discussed “overcoming content marketing overwhelm.”

It is important to take a step back and ask, “Why do I get overwhelmed?”

Because you want to build an online presence.

The Internet is the new oil, they say, and you want your share of it.

And to get your share of it, you must have a strong online presence.

The 21st and the many centuries to come will be more intensive when it comes to the online space.

Everyone, no matter what they do, must establish an online presence.

A robust online presence is now a necessity, not a luxury.

As a business seeking growth or an individual building influence, this one thing will make or mar you.

It is called the strength of your online presence.

It can make or break your digital success.

In today’s post, we will delve into the what, why, how of cultivating a powerful online presence.

There is only a one liner goal you must have in mind.

To boost visibility, influence, and profit.

1. What is an online presence?

Sir Elisha Mamman once said, “Life is a collection of moments.”

And so is your online presence.

The collection of your digital activities on the World Wide Web.

In little snippets like a

  • Twitter or Thread post,
  • a full or short lesson on Facebook, or
  • sharing your face and gestures with the world on YouTube.

The collective digital footprint that represents you or your brand on the internet.

Everything on your website, social media profiles called online content.

Any other digital touchpoints where your people can engage with you.

2. Why is a strong online presence crucial?

a. Visibility:

My junior sister, who is a mechanic, recently bought content creation tools from a vendor on Instagram.

The vendor was visible to my sister, who needed what she had to offer.

My mentor, Fii Stephen, defines visibility as being seen and known by the right people.

A strong online presence enhances your visibility.

It is a means to ensure that those you are looking for (the target audience) can easily find you.

Improved visibility translates to increased brand awareness.

Also, a higher chance of attracting potential customers or followers.

b. Credibility and Trust

I hold dear to my heart a line that says, “Authority is built under authority.”

The online space is an authority that you must submit to when building yours.

I recently pitched for something, and after getting selected, I was told, “Your Instagram profile did justice to your answers.”

Everyone who will:

  • buy from you,
  • hire you,
  • introduce you,
  • invite you to their community,
  • nominate you, or
  • award you will first check for you online.

What you are saying is not enough please.

Your online presence will answer the question

“how can we determine from other people and sources?”

Customers and audiences today turn to the internet for information.

When you have a well-crafted online presence, you will build credibility and trust.

It will look like a professional website with active social media profiles and valuable content.

They will all contribute to a positive perception of you.

c. Global Reach

Your new competition is in the United States, not Nigeria.

Just because the internet erases geographical boundaries, you are in a big loop of advantages and disadvantages.

A strong online presence will help you do many things it is known for.

Here are a few important things:

  • Reach a global audience,
  • Expand your market beyond local constraints.
  • Build authority from anywhere.

With this, you are opened up to new opportunities for growth and collaboration.

d. Influence and Authority

The most consistent things about my results are visibility, influence, and profit.

A strong online presence birthed by intensive, consistent, and valuable online content positions you as an authority in your industry.

You will become the BEST or the STAR.

You will become the go-to source for information.

You will not only build influence but also attract opportunities for paid partnerships, collaborations, and media coverage.

3. How to Cultivate a Strong Online Presence:

Just like any tree that bears fruit, it was cultivated.

The process of building visibility and influence is your cultivation stage.

Everything you do for your strong online presence is a journey.

On this journey, there are a few things that work when combined with intensity and consistency.

We will be talking about the four things to do for a strong online presence in this section, so follow closely.

a. Optimize your website or social media:

When we talk about online presence, don’t build your house on rented land.

Your website is the oil well of your online presence.

Make sure you have a working website for your name or your brand.

Make sure it is user-friendly and mobile-responsive for those who find you there.

And if you cannot afford that right now,?

Be active on social media.

Everything you do for your website has been done on social media.

You will only need to do two things.

  • Make it optimized for search engines (SEO) and
  • Regularly post content to keep it relevant and engaging.

b. Build a List

Either on WhatsApp or an email list (which I strongly recommend), build your list.

I have an email list as well as a WhatsApp community of people who want to hear from me and buy from me.

Even with your website, your list helps to build intimacy with your visitors.

For social media, your list protects you from the whims of the algorithm and the platform owners.

When you have chosen platform(s) that align with your target audience, bring them into a personal space…

c. Create and share valuable content:

The only currency you can spend on the net is content.

And in this personal space, Be active by:

  • Sharing valuable content and
  • Interact with your audience.

Intensity and consistency with your content are the keys to building a profitable following

Do this by developing a content strategy for long-form content.

Long-form that includes blog posts, videos, podcasts, or any format that resonates with your audience.

Use the STAR approach to make sure you do not get overwhelmed.

Content created must be shared so you can share insights, solve problems, and showcase your expertise.

d. Monitor and adapt:

It is all about how much, not how well, your content plays.

You must keep a pulse on your online presence.

Monitor your analytics consistently.

If your carousel had more views than your reel, then do more carousel.

If your post gets more views in the morning than at night, schedule it for the morning.

Once you can understand what is working and what isn’t, you are in for more.

To get the visibility, influence, and profit you seek, strategize based on insights.

This is how to continually improve and stay relevant.


Now you have learned the what, why, and how of a strong online presence.

What are your plans?

It is not enough to know, but it is better to act on information such as this.

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for stress-free content marketing tips.

Get started with amplifying your visibility, influence, and profit.

Let’s make your brand a standout force in the digital landscape.

#OnlinePresence #DigitalMarketing #BrandBuilding #MarketingTips




We help business and career brands use content marketing without overwhelm using my STAR ✨ approach.