8 Best Practices When Customizing Your Qr Codes for Better Results!

Val Pacaña
9 min readOct 9, 2020


QR codes have been popping out everywhere during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are mostly used in facets of service where automation is needed to reduce the need for close contact and avoid the disease’s spread.

Along with wearing face masks and frequent hand washing, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rolled out its new guidelines for travel, encouraging for contactless options whenever possible, such as making services digital through QR code technology.

QR codes are generated using a QR code generator online. Regardless of the popularity, these codes are getting; some QR codes are not gaining any traction due to poor design and implementation.

However, QR code technology’s evolution allows users to custom-design their QR code instead of ordinary plain and black designs that usually do not get any attention and do not leave much impression to be desired or ~scanned~.

To implement QR codes successfully, it needs to be easily recognizable and have a clear call to action.

Before we jump to the 5 Best Practices of Designing QR codes, here are some examples of how QR codes are being used today.

5 use-cases of QR codes today

1.QR codes are displayed in the art gallery of Vancouver as it reopened.

Source: Vancouver Art Gallery

The art gallery in Vancouver, Canada reopened for visitors with its new and safety protocols when visiting due to Coronavirus’s existing threat. Apart from social distancing, QR codes also play an important role in reducing the amount of physical contact as the art gallery welcomes back its visitors.

QR codes are displayed around the gallery for guests to download a copy of the gallery’s visitor’s guide.

2. QR codes for turning menus digital

Source: Nola.com

QR codes on the menu are probably one of the most use-cases of QR codes today. The use of the digital menu is continuing to skyrocket to avoid touching the usual menu cardboard that goes through multiple hand exchanges, that could impose a serious health threat among diners.

Menu QR code has become an alternative solution that is popular now among the restaurant industries in New York, New Orleans, Chicago, and many cities and countries elsewhere.

3. Shoppable Window stores through QR codes

Source: fashionunited.uk

UK based Fashion Retail Company, Lone Design, uses QR codes displayed on their window stores to allow shoppers to shop items while leveraging their whole experience anew. Buyers can scan the QR code and purchase an item through digital means without entering the physical store connecting the physical world to the online dimension.

4. Contactless Donation

Source: probonoaustralia.com.au

Donating funds remotely has made accessible using QR codes. Melbourne-based payments technology company, Quest Payment Systems, developed Donation Point Go as a new reality of collecting in-kind donation without face-to-face interaction while having a seamless experience.

QR codes are printed on signages, T-shirts, badges, and even displayed on the charity’s website. When Donation Point Go is scanned, it will lead the user will be redirected to the donation web page where they can donate.

Individuals can donate using Apple Pay, Google Pay, or by simply entering their credit or debit card details.

5. Bringing the bar experience to people’s home

Source: chicago eater

To bring home the bar experience and keep customers engaged, “The Darling” bar owner in Chicago, Sophie Huterstein, took the initiative to make the bar experience for his customers alive even when at home.

Huterstein experimented with the “Darling to Go” a unique food and drink delivery package designed to give its customers a little joy during their quarantine days. Along with their food packaging, attached a QR code that redirects users to a cabaret show’s live video stream.

“The package was meant to go beyond “just delivering food and drink, Huterstein says.”

Now, as you have observed, QR codes shown above are mostly designed in monochromatic colors and some don’t have a proper call-to-action, poor positioning, etc. which ultimately does not let the user achieve his desired results.

To get the most out of your QR code implementation, I’ve listed 8 best practices when customizing your QR code for better results!

8 Best practices when designing your QR codes for better results!

  1. Make a visual or custom-design QR code

Making a creative QR code design will pique your target audience curiosity

We are visual beings, and we usually turn to something that stimulates that senses.

Customize your QR code and make it appealing for your target audience. Create a QR code that will leave a visual impact on your scanners once they see it.

Steer away from plain-looking QR code if you want to get the most out of your QR code.

Custom design your QR code and add colors, set unique edges, choose the patterns, and your preferred layout to make it more personalized.

Pro Tip: Make your QR code as noticeable as possible without compromising the scan-ability of your QR code. Do not invert your QR code colors.

One rule of thumb is making the foreground color darker than the background color. Avoid light colors such as yellow and pastel colors, as it is not suitable for scanning.

Darker colors and a white background are an ideal color combination. Therefore to make your QR code effective, you need to follow the 7 guidelines to follow when creating visual QR codes

2. Add a logo, image or icon

Make your QR code a part of your overall branding.

A QR code with a logo, image, or icon looks more professional, inviting, and legitimate and steers away from the impression of being a spam-looking QR code.

It gives your scanners confidence and security when they scan your QR code and leads to a higher conversion rate, lasting impression, and retention among your scanners.

3. Add a frame and call to action in your QR code.

One way to bring life into your QR codes is by adding it with frames. Adding frames makes the overall appearance of your QR code stand-out. Frames come with a different, customizable call-to-action (CTA).

It encourages scanning among your target audience as well-designed frames give your users an idea of your QR code’s content.

A frame and a clear call-to-action give a “nudge” effect to scanners to scan your QR code you if you instruct them what to do and what they will get when they scan your QR code.

Pro tip: Only implement the action that you are promoting in the QR code and avoid unnecessary extras that might lead to confusion. Make a unique QR code for every media you are advertising.

If your QR code contains video information, put a call-to-action that says “scan to watch a video” and nothing else. Make the user experience, concise, and on point.

4. Consider the Right size of the QR code

QR code gives digital information.

Printing your QR code the right size and appropriate to its advertising environment is a must, so you will not miss any potential scans. A QR code will differ in sizes from product packaging, a digital menu, a magazine, billboards, business cards, etc. The further you place your QR code, the bigger the size should be.

From close proximity, make sure the QR code is at least 1.2 inches (3–4 cm) in dimension for people to scan it!

Pro tip: If you want to scale up your QR code to any sizes you like without affecting its quality, download your QR code in SVG format.

5. Correct positioning of your QR code

There is an axiom that goes, “everything we do is an art!”

The strategic positioning of your QR code is part of the art and design of your QR code. Always make sure your QR code is easily seen.

Place your QR code in a very prominent area so people will notice and scan them right away. Your QR code might be at its finest design, but if you place it poorly in the wrong location, you will not get the results you want.

6. Use a QR code generator that’s innovative and regularly updating

Apart from designing, you need a QR code generator with multiple designing options that can deliver the best design needed.

Before you generate a QR code, you need a QR code generator. There are multiple QR code software online available for you to make your QR code, but make sure it is not outdated. Nobody wants to use an old and dysfunctional QR code generator, right?

Choose a QR code creator where you can customize your code, download in different formats, provides unlimited scans even if it is static.

Pro Tip: Always do a comparison and research as to what QR code generator fits your need.

7. Maintain a clutter-free QR code

QR codes have two types: Static QR code and Dynamic QR code.

The information embedded in a static QR code is stored in the code’s graphics and can only be limited. That’s why it gets pixelated the more data you put in it.

When this happens, your QR code becomes hard to read. If you have information that you want to store in your QR, dynamic QR code is a better option.

Dynamic QR code does not directly store the data in the graphics. It contains a short URL that redirects users to online information. The QR code data is stored in the QR code generator online, where scanners can edit the information and track the data of his QR scans.

8. Print your QR code to the highest quality

Your QR code will read easily if it is printed of high quality. Avoid printing blurry and pixelated QR codes. Make sure your QR code reads within 3 seconds once the user points his camera app or QR code reader to the QR code.

Scanners will move on quickly if your QR code takes time to read!

Pro tip: Make sure your landing page is optimized for smartphone users; your scans will come from mobile phones and not from desktop users. See to it that the content loads quickly and make sure to follow the guidelines when printing your QR codes.

Revolutionized your QR code for a better effect

Making your QR code distinguishable is critical so that it will become memorable and striking in your target audience’s eyes.

Switching to visual QR code is a great way to elevate yourself and your brand from the masses of monochromatic QR code colors and level up to a whole, and new distinctive QR code.

Using a cutting edge QR code technology, you can design an innovative QR code that is unforgettable and will symbolize you and your product that will increase people’s inclination to your product or company.

