Someone Who Works Out

One writer’s progress toward a stronger, healthier body

Valya Dudycz Lupescu


Those of you who read Kyle Cassidy’s blog or twitter feed have followed his gym adventures and running milestones over the last few years. He has inspired many, myself included. Part of Kyle’s motivation came from watching as Neil Gaiman started running and eating healthily back in 2011.

I kept thinking to myself that if Neil and Kyle could do it, so could I.

I finally made the commitment, along with a few friends, to begin working out in December 2013.

In the beginning, I despised it.

The first morning we met at the tiny neighborhood gym, I was grumpy. So grumpy.

This may have had something to do with the fact that I had:

1. Gone to bed at 2am
2. Woken up at 6am
3. Not consumed any coffee before working out (hoping that coffee as reward would be good incentive)
4. Forgotten how much I disliked treadmills and gyms

My friends were more chipper than I, so I put on my headphones and tried to listen to an audiobook. After all, Neil had successfully run while listening to Dickens’ Bleak House with impressive results.

